Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Birthday Giveaway day two

I purchased a book several months ago and I don't even remember buying it, to be honest. Last night I wanted to take a bath and when I take a bath I must have something to read. If I had a Janet Evanovitch book (not the Plumb series) but one of her earlier books that she is republishing, then I would have grabbed that. I wanted something fun and light hearted. One that would keep my attention long enough to make running all that bath water worth while.

So I go to my book closet and there, sitting on top of some fabric scraps is the book that I purchased. It was a Sarah Ban Breathnach (pronounced Bon Bronnock) book titled Moving On. It's about homekeeping. It's about loving your home. It's about making your home a place you want to be a part of and can't wait to get to. (recall that I said this book was sitting on fabric scraps...yep, I need to read this book) I didn't know any of this when I grabbed the book and went for a dip in the tub. I was sure it was going to be something that required too much brain power. I was happily proved wrong. I only got through 18 pages, but my attention was held the entire time.

Earlier this evening, I crawled into bed and started to read another section of this fascinating book. I love to read books that make my brain dance with fireworks of creative thought. I love to be inspired. I usually keep a notepad and pen nearby when I read these types of books so that I can pass along some tidbit of inspiration to someone else.

Today's tidbit comes to us from Marcelene Cox who wrote this in 1947 -
"Happiness is not something you get, but something you do."

I'm hoping for both of those things to come true in this Birthday Celebration Giveaway. I will be more than happy to send out these adorable glass votive holders and I hope that the winner will be happy to receive them!

This Giveaway starts as soon as it's posted and goes until 10pm Pacific time on Tuesday October 14th. The winner will be randomly selected from all entries received before the deadline and posted right here. The prize winner will receive three of these little votives - 2 of one design and 1 of the other. Decorators always say that you should put things out in multiples of three - so three votive holders it is!

In the comment section please let us in on something you do that makes you happy.

I have a goofy thing that I do that makes me laugh everytime. If someone I don't know is walking near me into a store that has an automatic sliding door, I will rush up to the door and as it opens I say - "Let me get that door for you." It's a real cheap thrill but fun nonetheless.

Have a fabulous day!


UPDATE! Comment #1 was once again the winner! Random.org is who picked the number and Jennifer was the lucky winner! Congrats Jennifer! Be sure to email me with your address so I can send off these great votive holders. Kirby3131[at]gmail.com


  1. What makes me happy is just laughing at funny stuff in life:)

  2. I love to walk over to someone that is frowning and telling them that "whatever is making them frown that with God's love, they can turn it upside down." Not everyone responds well, but the ones that do and smile make me smile right back.

    angelleslament @ gmail.com

  3. Things are financially stressful right now for our family business...I enjoy doing things that don't cost anything...I ove trying to make it a day by doing fun and exciting free things. I may blog about it soon! I take a 3 mile walk in the mornings that ends with the most fantastic view...it makes my day...it's pricelessly free!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Day 2 is a GREAT giveaway too!!!! =) This is soooooooooooooooooooo much FUN!!!!

    Wow, hard question...I feel sooooooooooooo put on "THE SPOT" lol just kidding!

    I do a lot of things that make me happy!!! Cooking a GREAT meal makes me happy!!! I love to feed people???

    When I see a child in the store wanting something from the gum ball machine and give them 25 cents just so they can get a prize or some gum! I did this one night at Denny's! They had a grab machine and this mom/dad had given their child all the quarters they had in their pockets/purse...I over heard them so I broke out some quarters! It make me feel soooooooooo good!!!! Plus it put a smile on the kids face!!! =)

  6. Hi! So glad I stopped by, what a cool giveaway! I'll be poking around your archives :-)

    I love to listen to the radio, really really ear-blasting loud, in the car, and sing without any care for tone, pitch, nothing! (I am a classically trained vocalist, makes this all the more enjoyable!)

    It usually sounds terrible to my ears, but in a good way. In a letting-go sort of way. And it relaxes me... and gives the people around me a good laugh, too.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on The Goat. I appreciate knowing you are out there!