Friday, November 21, 2008

Things marked off the list

I got a ton accomplished today... This is the DONE part of yesterdays ramblings. Whew! I may actually get everything finished this weekend.

I need to buy a box of business sized envelopes. DONE!

I need to buy a mailbox to hang on the outside of the Springfield house. DONE! A new one was $13 and was prepainted.

Mocha needs new/more kitty litter - she's nearly out. Food, too. She's nearly out of both wet and dry food. DONE!

I want to change the sheets on my bed, it's been awhile. DONE!

I need to find a shower chair for my new tenant. DONE!!

Pay bills for condos DONE!

Deposit checks DONE!

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to comment on The Goat. I appreciate knowing you are out there!