Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Favorite Blogs

I finally, finally, finally put up a list of my favorite blogs. They will be permanently over there <--- below the archives. The list isn't complete by a long shot. I mentioned last week or so that I was going to get my blogroll up and posted by my 500th post, but I'm happy to say that I am ahead of schedule! Here is the list that I have so far. I put them in reverse alphabetical order, just to be different and to give those at the end of the alphabet a chance to be first once in a while. (I put in my blog, too - Just because I'm dorky LOL)

My Favorite Blogs

I want to add in the food, photography and decorating blogs that I like to read. I still may divide these up into categories, like I do for my blog reader but that might be a bit much. Maybe I'll just keep this small.

I hope that there are some new blogs for you to read or at least visit and don't forget, this is not my final list, it's just a day one beginning.

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Well thank you very much! I'm so flattered!

  2. Thank you so much for stopping by my site today and especially thank you for leaving a comment. It's always fun to make new blogging buddies!

    I NEVER was a thrifter until I started blogging, now I love it. I might have to participate each week in Thrifting Thursday's just so it will give me an excuse to go to goodwill!

    Take care and have a great Sunday!

  3. Wow, I'm delighted to be on your list of favorites!

  4. Scribbit & Ann, You all are so very welcome. I enjoy being a part of your blogs, too -- as a long winded commentor (commenter?) anyway, long winded lol

    Linda - it was nice to meet you and I will certainly be seeing more of you for Thrifty Thursdays!

  5. What an honor to be in the list of faves...thanks for taking the time to look at all my gibberish and what nots. ;)

    Now, about the pasta and fruit. I didn't even think about it but it does sound, well, different - but let me assure you - YUMMY!!!! Let me warn makes a LOT!!!
    Let me know when you try it and how you like it.

  6. Thanks Kristin! I appreciate that! You KNOW the feeling is mutual. I also see many blogs that I frequent on here. Good people, good taste!

    And to Linda- I do hope you will join in on Thrifty Thursday, we'd love to have you!

    Thanks Krisitin, and congratlautions on your "anniversary" post!!!!



Thank you for taking the time to comment on The Goat. I appreciate knowing you are out there!