It's a major award!
(well, that's from a Christmas Story, but it fits, don't ya think?)
Thank you Mrs. 4444

Here are my fragmented ideas, things I thought were funny/unusual and other random thoughts. To see more, please go to Half-Past Kissin' Time and see what other Friday Fragments have been written.
My Mom got home Monday night from her extended trip. She was with us in Ireland and the Isle of Man, but she stayed several more days on the Isle of Man, then went to Scotland and England. It's a relief to have everyone back in the United States again.
Oooh goodness this looks awful and fun all at the same time. Would you make this and serve it? I think I probably would, but just to a bunch of kids. Spaghetti Dogs
I wrote my name in the dust on my coffeetable today. Why is that fun? and why haven't I dusted in so long?
I finished all of the Twilight Saga books that have been written so far. I really enjoyed them - far more than I ever imagined. I'm glad I am finally finished reading them all. Now maybe I can get to some of that dusting!
Here's a great DIY - Turn an old TV cabinet into a Dog Bed. Seriously, this is good. The blog - Erin Rages.
As I was driving out of my condo complex yesterday I saw some movement in the bushes, next to the curb. All of a sudden 4 kitties tumbled out of the bushes and on to the pavement, their mother suddenly appearing as well. The kitties didn't stay still for long as they were in full-tilt play mode, jumping with their paws wide open and their mouths, too. How fun!
I was all excited about the newest reality show "Fashion Show" but it isn't very good. I hope that they get a second season and that they make it better! I want to like it.
Have a fabulous Friday!
Oh my goodness, you jumped on the Twilight wagon late, but WELCOME!! We love newbies! Oh wait a minute, you didn't say you were obsessed, just that you read them. Never mind.
ReplyDeleteI do love my reality TV. IT's almost pathetic how much I love it.
Have a great weekend!
Oh my, those Sputnik dogs are a stitch and a half!!!! Why didn't someone dream up that idea when my kids were still little. Do you think they'd STILL love them now that they're adults?
ReplyDeleteSoxy Deb...Oooh, I became obsessed. :) Very much obsessed.
ReplyDeleteKeetha...They very well may!! How funny though - Sputnik Dogs lol
Yeah, Twilight. I finally made the plunge and while I wasn't enthralled, they were better than I thought they would be. And I am glad came here (thanks for stopping by mine today, too!), because those spaghetti dogs are SO being served at my house tonight!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your MAJOR AWARD! :)
ReplyDeleteI am a total dust writer as well, so don't be worried that you haven't dusted in awhile!
I am even later than you on the Twilight bandwagon. I believe there is a lot of summer reading in store for me there.
Thanks for the finger crossing about the carpenter bees. Ugh! I'm not worried about getting rid of them; I'm just scared about the damage they might already have done! Eeeek!
You are very welcome! Thanks for sharing your entertaining stories :)
ReplyDeleteDust? I'm with you, Sister!
I LOVED that dog bed!! So fun (and good for the landfill AND the dog!)
I am so making that spaghetti for the kids :) Thanks.