Thursday, November 05, 2009

POTD - Barbed Wire Bull

Barbed Wire Bull - by Kristin Corlett

I found this bull in Maywood, Nebraska in the yard next door to my grandparents former home.  He wasn't there when I used to visit, but a lot of things have changed since then.



  1. I REALLY love stuff like that! My house would look like a carnival if I had my way :)

  2. OMG, that bull is so cute! Wonder how much barbed wired is tied up in it!
    Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog.

  3. Ouch! If he is really made of barb wire I certainly wouldn't want to try riding him!

  4. He is amazing and ridiculous all at the same time!!!

  5. You can see that the lawn mower path makes a wide swath around the guy. He is indeed sharp!

  6. That is awesome. Never seen anything like that before.

  7. Hi Kristin...thanks for coming by my blog. Your description of "The Goat" sounds like a place I'd love to hang out. I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog. BTW, I'm your neighbor in OH...I haven't been to Lansing in years,I may have good reason to come up there now:)

  8. I love that! You don't have to worry about anyone messing with it either because it's made out of barbed wire. *evil smile*


Thank you for taking the time to comment on The Goat. I appreciate knowing you are out there!