Sunday, March 28, 2010

Natural Gas commercial

I found something very cool :)  I hope you have a few minutes to watch the commercial and the "making of" about the commercial.

I found this on the blog - Knit stop-motion commercial

Now, I'm not a knitter, but I can certainly appreciate the time it takes to create with that craft.  Just look what they did with knitting.  Very cool.

Click on the video once it starts to go to YouTube to see it - for some reason it didn't reduce in size like it should have and you have to see the full screen to fully appreciate it :) 

Here is the Making Of...



  1. That is so amazing. Thank you, I really enjoyed these videos :)

  2. Those were very cool videos! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I enjoyed them thoroughly, thank you.

    The water, fire, and steam amazed me the most.


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