Tuesday, August 31, 2010

POTD - I can't drive 55

POTD - I can't drive 55

I don't think I've ever been able to drive 7 MPH in our community.  If I coast the speedometer usually says 10 and if I tap on the gas to get around a corner I'm nearing 15.   Try it, see if you can maintain 7 MPH next time you drive somewhere where no one is behind you.



  1. lol! I have never seen a 7 mph sign, but I do agree that it seems quite impossible.

  2. Very true.
    Its difficult to cruise at a low speed.

  3. "7" I don't think I have ever seen a sign with a 7 on it! No, it is pretty impossible.

  4. I've never even SEEN a 7 mph speed limit sign!!!

    I can tell you right now I couldn't do it - - - I have to use CRUISE CONTROL just to maintain ANY speed limit.

    Even in town.

    I kid you not.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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