Wednesday, October 13, 2010

POTD - Red Stairs

POTD - Red Stairs
©2010 Kristin Corlett

I know that the red stairs probably aren't the first thing you see when you look at this photo, but it was the reason I wanted this to be the photo of the day.  The red stairs, the red swing on the porch, the American flag, the peachy colored house and the multi-tonal autumn tree all together just hooked me right in.  I decided right then that this one was next. 

Taken in Lansing, MI across the street from the Turner Dodge House.


  1. You're right - I'm much more captivated by the orange tree! You'll have to go back when the tree drops its leaves when the red stands out better. Don't you love how I assume you can just drive back by this house?

  2. Gorgeous! It makes me want to go INSIDE.

  3. Very colorful. That tree is amazing.


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