Monday, August 03, 2020

A Rose and a Thorn

Photo by Zara Walker on Unsplash

Last night my husband and I started what I hope to be a new layer of our day with each other.  We named our Rose and our Thorn of the day, then talked about each of them for quite a little while.  I didn't come up with this idea all on my own, it was something that I heard on a TV program. 

I'll be Gone in the Dark, a book and an HBO documentary about Michelle McNamara (a writer, well known for her true crime interests), the Golden State Killer and the stories that surround the cases. (It's an incredible documentary if you are looking for something excellent to watch.)  In the 5th part of the documentary the daughter tells one of her Aunts that she has her rose and thorn for the day.  The sister then explains that Michelle had her daughter Alice come up with a rose and a thorn for her day and they'd discuss it when Michelle tucked her in at night.  The rose being a good thing that happened during the day and the thorn being something that was a tough part of the day.  

I thought that was a neat idea, a lot better than, "How was your day, dear?"  Steve and I are, like most folks, at home all day with each other.  We both do our own thing for most of the day.  He works on his computer - online businesses that we have, working on a book of his own, putting together special projects for friends or family and who knows what else.  He can keep himself busy!  So between the two of us fairly busy in the house, we don't get a chance to sort out our day until we both come together to watch some TV later on at night.  

The rose and thorn might be another way to talk about what we've been up to during the day but also a way to talk about a frustrating aspect of the day.  Sometimes it's nice to be able to talk about something that bothered us but not want to dwell on it, or bring it up when there seems to be no need.  The rose and thorn idea helps to be able to talk about the good and the bad without it being too much.  (At least in theory.)  We both agreed that each day the rose can't be that we are so happy that we are together or that we love each other so much!  Although, on our first day, I did say that my rose was one of the cats.  So I can't use that as my rose again for a long time.  The cats are endlessly entertaining, this is a known fact.  

We are only on day one.  I hope it continues.  We aren't going to write them down or anything, just discuss.  I think it'll be nice.  Something new for our pandemic life. 

Have a great day! 

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