Thursday, April 03, 2008


Caffeine is not my friend. I had one 12-16oz glass of dietCoke last night.

I was awake until 7 am this morning.

I keep telling myself that I cannot have caffeine, but it doesn't sink in. Maybe if I actually blog about, tell everyone about it and make it real - I can't have caffeine!!!!

Don't do it!


There... I'm going to bed now since I only slept from 7am until 10:30am.

Whew, glad I got that out.

Have a nice night...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

PS I quit having a daily dose of caffeine in 1992. This is something I've known about for a very long time.


LLG Denise said...

November Oscar
Mike Oscar Romeo Echo
Foxtrot Oscar Romeo
Yankee Oscar Uniform

India Sierra
India Tango
Juliet Uniform Sierra Tango
Mike Echo
Oscar Romeo
India Sierra
Tango Hotel Echo
Golf Romeo Oscar Uniform November Delta
Sierra Hotel Alpha Kilo India November Golf

Lima Oscar Lima
Romeo Oscar Foxtrot Lima Mike Foxtrot Bravo Oscar!
Hotel Uniform Golf Sierra
Tango India Mike Echo Sierra
Bravo Uniform November Charlie Hotel!

India Victor Yankee!

(Delta Oscar Yankee Oscar Uniform Charlie Oscar Papa Yankee?)

ttelroc said...

Is is just me or have you gone totally bonkers, India Victor Yankee? How funny and how correct, no more for me. No More!

Have a Great Day!