- Friday Fragments
- POTD - Squash Blossom
- POTD - Rubber
- Me, Me, Me!
- POTD - Brunhilda and Borris
- Major dose of cute
- POTD - Roman Foliage
- 100 quotes from The Secret - part II
- POTD - Circle Curtain
- Regal Cinema
- POTD - Turtle
- Happy!
- POTD - Bike rack
- Blip in the radar
- POTD - Bel Air Jet
- POTD - Hairdryer
- husbands...mine anyway
- POTD - Lamps
- Nothing is related
- POTD - Golden Light
- Outside the Antique Store
- POTD - Oranges
- Missed Connections
- POTD - Silver Chest
- Katie Ride for Life
- POTD - Cards and Kings
- Thin people have no problems
- Etsy!
- POTD - Lansing Uniform
- Friday Fragments
- Excitement
- POTD - Castle Wall
- Castel Sant'Angelo
- POTD - Sea air
- A Row of Columns
- POTD - Lime Green
- I can do that
- POTD - Danish Horses
- Secret Scrolls
- POTD - Bambi
- The Melting Pot
- POTD - Braids
- Friday Fragments
- POTD - Eat
- Ahhh sitting in a chair
- POTD - Snowglobes
- Dancers
- POTD - Reflections and Shadows
- Car Wash
- POTD - Bowties
- St. Peter's Basilica
- POTD - Donate Life
- Art Fair Weekend
- POTD - 90º
- The Final Four
- POTD - Pastel
- Friday Fragments
- POTD - San Marco Lions
- Prime Osborn Center
- POTD - Thread
Friday, April 30, 2010
April 2010 Links
Friday Fragments
Friday Fragments is hosted by Mrs. 4444 over at Half-Past Kissing Time. She and many others put their little bit and pieces of unrelated pieces of goodness and laughter into one post and then share it with other bloggers and their friends. I did that this week, too! I hope you can go visit the other FF posts, when you finish with mine.
I nearly forgot that today was Friday! Goodness, I didn't do this last week because it was too late in the day (nearly midnight) and now I nearly missed today's as well. Well, I didn't miss it, so here we go!!
I deleted one of my Photos of the Day. I had to. I just couldn't take it anymore. It was the photo of the Bur*ger Kin*g menu board (I put the stars in so it wouldn't be searchable) and the description I gave. I don't know what was triggering the comments but I was getting nearly a dozen po*rno*graphic spam comments a day to that post. I have comments moderated for more posts older than 30 days, so they never got on to my site, but it was just vile to see them every day. I honestly can't figure out what keywords I had in that post would do that. I have other Bur*ger Kin*g posts and they don't get spammed. I am just grateful that I can choose to moderate the older posts of mine and still keep the current posts free from that.
I would really like some fortune cookie fortunes. I haven't eaten Chinese food in such a long time because what I order totally screws up my blood sugar, but I'm missing the fortunes. If you have some fortunes you'd like to send me, let me know and I'll give you my address :)
I can't believe I just asked for fortunes LOL
I will probably not write a comment on a blog post if there is a giveaway for that post. I am so overwhelmed with stuff that the mere thought that I might win kind of freaks me out. It's just easier to ignore the post altogether because honesty, I'm one lucky gal and I win quite often! So enjoy your giveaways everyone - I love to see what you give! We have so many generous bloggers out there - it's wonderful.
funny thing is that I just asked to be sent something and then turned right around and said I don't need anything. I guess I should qualify that...I have a little jar to keep my fortunes in and it isn't full by any means. :)
I thought these were some interesting links...
Creepy abandoned places -
Cat and Deer
Here's a fun video of the day. A friend of mine posted this on Facebook today and it brought back a lot of Jetsons memories!
Thanks so much for stopping by and have a delightful weekend!
POTD - Squash Blossom
POTD - Squash Blossom
I went to a really cool house on the river. It's the house of a new friend and last night I took my camera and photographed his garden, the woods, dead trees, the dock, the water and this lovely little squash blossom. The plant was really small, maybe just 12 inches across and there were only two blossoms on this plant, so far! It was a beautiful sunset and I loved the light shining on the plant and the blossom.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
POTD - Rubber
POTD - Rubber
When I saw the side of this building I knew right then and there that I had to take photographic evidence that such a statement existed. Everything in Rubber. Everything! I love it! It's actually the Hecht Rubber Corporation and they really do seem to have everything in rubber...absorbers, boots, foam, floor matting, weather stripping and everything in between. They do seem to have just about everything in rubber. I didn't know that Styrofoam was a rubber product, but it's on their list. Maybe they do styrofoam, too?
Of course the first thing I thought of when I saw this sign was Scarlett's line in the movie Four Weddings and a Funeral, "They say rubber's mainly for perverts. Don't know why. Think it's very practical, actually. I mean, you spill anything on it and it just comes off. I suppose that could be why the perverts like it.' haha! Too funny.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Me, Me, Me!
I stayed up really late last night.
I woke up at 7 or so when my husband got up for a Monkey Bars installation.
I fell back to sleep nearly immediately and slept until 10am when my "you can't sleep past 10am!" alarm went off.
I almost ran to my computer to start selecting the pictures I wanted printed today at the 6¢ a print price. It's only available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and I totally forgot yesterday, but thankfully I woke up thinking about it today.
I spent an hour with those photos and the website. I swear sometimes it really isn't easier to just do it online.
I made myself some breakfast while I was waiting for some of the photos to upload.
I made the bed and finally got dressed while the next batch of photos uploaded.
I ordered the photos and I made the meatloaf that was planned for tonight's dinner.
I did the dishes from the making of the meatloaf, swept the kitchen, and made a list of the few things I needed from various stores nearby.
I absolutely needed color ink for the printer. Went to check the number on the cartridge and discovered I already had a replacement ready to go. Cross that off the list.
I needed two things from Michaels crafts, but I knew it would take an hour to go through the store.
I planned that hour into my schedule.
OK, meatloaf is done. ding ding ding
I can't wait until dinner. I pull my seasoned lettuce out of the fridge and toss in a serving of meatloaf on top. LUNCH! Good stuff.
I finally finish up in the house and it's nearly 4:15pm.
I feed the cat her treat and head out of the door.
I get down into the garage and it looks like my husband took the elevator up as I was in the elevator coming down.
I call my husband and he is indeed in the house, wondering where in the world I've hidden because he saw my car in the garage.
I leave the garage, go to Michaels, shop (only buy one extra item - very good!) and as I'm walking to the car I get a phone call and am asked to help a friend.
I drive off to help the friend.
A few hours later I'm heading back toward home.
Stop off at the grocery store to grab some more lettuce (I will be making more meatloaf salads this week)
I talk with a friend on the phone - actually two friends called now that I think about it. I talked with two friends. :)
I come up to our condo and find packages at the door.
Bring the packages in.
Bring the groceries in.
Say Hi to the husband and to the cat.
Put away groceries.
We open up the packages, discuss, eat a little dinner, talk, download some photos to my online storage and onto Facebook.
I say goodnight to the husband and he goes to bed.
I will follow at some point.
I hardly feel like I got anything accomplished and yet I see that I had a very productive day.
Thankfully I decided to make the meatloaf this afternoon so I could help my friend during the time I would have normally been making the meatloaf.
Funny how things like that work out.
I bet I had a nagging feeling something was going to come up.
I hope you have a lovely and productive day.
POTD - Brunhilda and Borris
POTD - Brunhilda and Borris
The adventures of Brunhilda and Borris Bearssaltandpepper are legendary! Truly legendary. (See links below) My fellow blogging friend, Keetha, is the one who has written the witty travelogue of Brunhilda and Borris. I was wondering just today what they had been up to this Spring, when I decided to make them the Photo of the Day. I'm going to ask Keetha if the bears have just been hanging out on the kitchen table since Spring has arrived or if they actually got any traveling in. I wonder if they went to Costa Rica?
*In which I met Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper
*In which I fell in love with Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper
*All of the Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper adventures
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Major dose of cute
My sister posted this photo of new baby, Scarlett. Goodness, she is so adorable! I can't believe that I haven't seen her since she was born.
I just love those big pink cheeks and her round head. I may see her in May, but I will absolutely see her in June when I go home. We have a family reunion in Michigan and I'm going home for five days.
Stella and Zora are growing like weeds as well. I know Zora remembers me, she just turned six, but two year old Stella may treat me like a stranger when I see her again.
I've pretty much decided that I'm going to spend a few weeks (maybe three or four) in Michigan in the fall, like I did last year. It was so nice to be able to spend time with my family and not have to rush rush rush to get everything into a long weekend or a week.
Just look at that baby face above - I need time to pinch those cheeks!
I hope you have a delightful day!
POTD - Roman Foliage
POTD - Roman Foliage
While stopped at a scenic overlook of Rome, this tree/bush/plant was growing tall and strong. I have no idea what it is and I wasn't close enough to touch it, so it's just known to me as foliage. Roman Foliage. As I mentioned the other day - love that yellow and green.
Monday, April 26, 2010
100 quotes from The Secret - part II
100 Quotes from "The Secret"
...actually, this is the second installment. I believe that it's really hard to consider or think about all 100 at once, I know I'd forget the first ones by the time I'd get to the end, so I've divided them up into four groups of 25. The first set of quotes are located are HERE.
26. It's important to feel good ( ( ( (((good))) ) ) )
27. You can change your emotion immediately .. by thinking of something joyful, or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience
28. When you get the hang of this, before you know it you will KNOW you are the creator
29. Life can and should be phenomenal .. and it will be when you consciously apply the Law of Attraction
30. Universe will re-arrange itself accordingly
31. Start by using this sentence for all of your wants: "I'm so happy and grateful now that.... "
32. You don't need to know HOW the universe is going to rearrange itself
33. LOA is simply figuring out for yourself what will generate the positive feelings of having it NOW
34. You might get an inspired thought or idea to help you move towards what you want faster
35. The universe likes SPEED. Don't delay, don't second-guess, don't doubt..
36. When the opportunity or impulse is there .. ACT
37. You will attract everything you require - money, people, connections.. PAY ATTENTION to what's being set in front of you
38. You can start with nothing .. and out of nothing or no way - a WAY will be provided.
39. HOW LONG??? No rules on time .. the more aligned you are with positive feelings the quicker things happen
40. Size is nothing to the universe (unlimited abundance if that's what you wish) We make the rules on size and time
41. No rules according to the universe .. you provide the feelings of having it now and the universe will respond
42. Most people offer the majority of their thought in response to what they are observing (bills in the mail, being late, having bad luck...etc..)
43. You have to find a different approach to what is through a different vantage point
44. "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" - Buddha
45. What can you do right now to turn your life around?? Gratitude
46. Gratitude will bring more into our lives immediately
47. What we think about and THANK about is what we bring about
48. What are the things you are grateful for?? Feel the gratitude.. focus on what you have right now that you are grateful for
49. Play the picture in your mind - focus on the end result
50. VISUALIZE!!! Rehearse your future
**All of the photos were altered from my original photo in Photobucket in the effects section.
POTD - Circle Curtain
POTD - Circle Curtain with Reflection
As I was coming back from my Saturday trek to the arts market I took a different route home. I'm so glad I did when I spied this little book store in an old brick building. They were closed on Saturdays but it didn't much matter, the circle chains hanging in the windows made my heart go pitter pat! I just got out and snapped a few photos. This is actually a color photo, but doesn't it look black and white?
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Regal Cinema
Unknown Mami hosts Sundays in My City where people from around the globe show photos of their city. It's such a fun way to see places you may never get to visit and to also enjoy some things that only a local might notice.
In my case, if you were to drive down Phillips Hwy past the Regal Cinemas, you would not miss it! However, my husband, who has crisscrossed Jacksonville 100 times had never seen this building. It was exciting to show him something that I had found.
You can click this photo to enlarge and please do because this is just truly beautiful. It reminds me of a Las Vegas showgirl feathered headpiece!
I was so excited to finally photograph this beautiful building, but I knew it was going to be an incredible sight once it got dark.
So I went back that evening, before I had too many things on my mind and forgot about it. I'm so glad I went back!! It was so bright and beautiful, the parking lot was packed, kids were hanging out, out front having a nice time and parents were lined up waiting for their kids to get out of the movie.
I wasn't sure what the neighborhood was like at night so I asked my husband to go with me. He sat in the car. He didn't think it was as thrilling as I did, but when I got back to the car he asked if I had gotten "that shot from over there" and "that shot from under there." I knew he was interested!
I think this one would make a great card. I'm going to be sure and make a few of these and put them in my Etsy shop.

That's one little part of my city. If you'd like to see more head on over to Unknown Mami for Sundays in My City.
Have a great day!
POTD - Turtle
POTD - Turtle
There are 25 turtle sculptures around Jacksonville that were all sponsored by local businesses or organizations. This particular turtle is named "Sea Petal" and was adopted by the PGA Tour (which is big around here.) I liked the color palette with the yellow and green. My sister Alison's favorite colors in high school were the green and yellow combination and I find that I tend to gravitate toward them as well.
I hope to have an upcoming post showing the whole turtle :)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I've been wanting to come up with something fun for today's post and I thought about all of those 10 things posts that I see on other blogs. I don't think I've done a 10 things list, but when I Googled "ten things" to see what some of the topics might be, at the bottom of the first page were a list of ten things that people on my Google Reader have done. That was fun!
One of the lists came from Unknown Mami. She talked about 10 things that she's sick of.
Your Homebased Mom had a list of the five things her mother taught her.
Putting the Fun in DysFUNctional talked about the 10 bloggers that brighten her day.
Dust Bunny Hostage had a list of ten things that she loves that starts with the letter C.
and several blogs had ten things that made them happy.
I think I'll write about the Ten Things that Make Me Happy because I'm in sort of a giddy mood.
One. Crawling into my own bed after being away for a vacation. I actually giggle!
Two. Seeing the new line of dishtowels at the Trowbridge Shop-Rite in East Lansing, MI. This really makes me happy. Each time I go home to Michigan I find a way to go there to see the new styles.
Three. A beautiful piece of pottery. I have a round decorative piece next to my sink that Tom and I got as a wedding gift. I love it.
Four. Tile. Tile makes me happy. I love retro tiles, new glass tiles, tumbled marble tiles and hand made tiles from craftspeople around the country, among thousands of other styles. When I see a lovely tile job in someones house I audibly gasp at the beauty.
Five. A brand new pair of white tennis shoes. Oh, that makes me so incredibly happy.
Six. Seeing a letter or a card addressed to me in the mailbox. (The kind that aren't from fake friends, like the local Realtor's office or the condo association!)
Seven. Having someone pay me a compliment. Sometimes it's hard to accept the compliment, but having someone tell you you've done a good job or they like a photograph you've taken or that your phone call made their day - those make me feel 10 feet tall.
Eight. Cleaning products. There are very few cleaning products that fit into this "make me happy" category as I am truly choosy.
Nine. My MAC laptop. Oh goodness, I can't even begin to talk about how much this little silver rectangle has made me happy.
Ten. Seeing something that is unique that I can photograph. The Joe Motel is one of those things. I was just driving down the road when I saw the place. My heart started fluttering and I was overcome with joy - that was a very happy moment. I get many of those moments these days, now that I have a camera with me all the time.
My family and friends also make me incredibly happy, but I figured that was assumed :)
Have a Wonderful and Happy Weekend!
POTD - Bike rack
POTD - Bike rack
I photographed this red bike rack outside of a theater that I was photographing today. It was right around noon and the sun was blazing hot and casting some great shadows. I loved the way the shadow looked on the ground, too.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Blip in the radar
Yesterday was an interesting and busy day and it completely scrambled my brain. I tried a few times to write a blog post and it came out more like a bad text message. I decided to use what judgment I had left and not write anything here. I think I chose well. I'm much more clear today.
It all started off innocently enough.
I asked my husband to go to the Second Chance Support group with our fellow liver transplant friends and he said yes. He is usually busy on Thursdays at 11am, so it was really nice that he chose to come. There are a few men that are pre transplant that really need to see and hear from someone who is several years post transplant like my husband. We had a big group again this week - I think near 25 people were there.
Since Tom was with me I knew we needed to go out to lunch so I started to organize a group and ended up with 10 of us going to lunch. We ate at Miller's Ale House and we all had really great food. I think I taste tested 4 other dishes and they were all much better than your average bar food. I think that restaurant is going to be a keeper.
Then I went back to Mayo Clinic to visit with a post transplant patient. He's been in the hospital for two weeks now and I haven't visited in a week, so I really wanted to spend some time with him. I spent several hours with him and then made my way home.
I got home and just got myself settled on the couch with my computer when Tom came home all excited about a new business opportunity. My hair stands on end when I hear those words coming from him. I was in no way going to hear of it until he told me that the house where we were going had an original Chagall hanging over the fireplace.
I can't believe I was swayed by art.
The piece over the fireplace was truly wonderful and I swear that I've seen it in one of my art books before, but I can't for the life of me find it online. I didn't take my camera with me, but since I joined the business I'll be back over to this man's house again.
Yes, I said I joined.
I have to laugh.
I'll let you know more about the business at a later date.
What a day!!
I'm going out to take some photos because I haven't snapped a picture in too many days.
OK, Bye!
It all started off innocently enough.
I asked my husband to go to the Second Chance Support group with our fellow liver transplant friends and he said yes. He is usually busy on Thursdays at 11am, so it was really nice that he chose to come. There are a few men that are pre transplant that really need to see and hear from someone who is several years post transplant like my husband. We had a big group again this week - I think near 25 people were there.
Since Tom was with me I knew we needed to go out to lunch so I started to organize a group and ended up with 10 of us going to lunch. We ate at Miller's Ale House and we all had really great food. I think I taste tested 4 other dishes and they were all much better than your average bar food. I think that restaurant is going to be a keeper.
Then I went back to Mayo Clinic to visit with a post transplant patient. He's been in the hospital for two weeks now and I haven't visited in a week, so I really wanted to spend some time with him. I spent several hours with him and then made my way home.
I got home and just got myself settled on the couch with my computer when Tom came home all excited about a new business opportunity. My hair stands on end when I hear those words coming from him. I was in no way going to hear of it until he told me that the house where we were going had an original Chagall hanging over the fireplace.
I can't believe I was swayed by art.
The piece over the fireplace was truly wonderful and I swear that I've seen it in one of my art books before, but I can't for the life of me find it online. I didn't take my camera with me, but since I joined the business I'll be back over to this man's house again.
Yes, I said I joined.
I have to laugh.
I'll let you know more about the business at a later date.
What a day!!
I'm going out to take some photos because I haven't snapped a picture in too many days.
OK, Bye!
POTD - Bel Air Jet
POTD - Bel Air Jet
The hood ornament from a 1950's Chevy Bel Air. I found this car in a parking lot in Jacksonville, FL. The interior looked original and well worn, but the exterior of the car was lovely. I wasn't sure if this was a bird of some sort or an airplane, but after looking at the wings a few seconds it's a airplane. It's probably quite obvious that I don't know a whole heck of a lot about cars. It's a great hood ornament though.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
POTD - Hairdryer
POTD - Hairdryer
A friend of mine just recently opened up a hair salon and I was asked to come in and take a few photos of the place. One of my favorite shots of the day was a close up of this hairdryer. Now that I'm looking at it, I see that I caught myself in the reflection! How fun.
I'll show pictures of the salon in a few days when I get them all edited, but for now, enjoy!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
husbands...mine anyway
I need to grumble for a moment.
When Easter came around all my husband could talk about was a spiral sliced ham. He wanted a ham, he needed to have it and he talked about it non stop -- of course he didn't start his talk until just three days before Easter, so all of the spiral sliced hams were gone. I got a small regular ham and it just wasn't the same he said, so I kept that in my mind so I could get him a spiral sliced ham and surprise him.
So, last week at the grocery store they had a great sale on spiral sliced hams. I got the smallest one available and proudly brought it home.
He didn't want it.
Too much salt.
He doesn't like to have just ham for dinner.
There's too much food.
We'll never eat it all.
Finally he told me to go ahead and cook it up.
Tonight I made the ham - put on the glaze and made a nice big salad. The house smelled great and the ham was incredibly good.
He didn't want any.
He ate a late lunch.
He may have a ham sandwich later.
I'm sure it's going to spoil before we eat it all.
You aren't going to make bean soup again are you??
My dinner was lovely and I will be making bean soup with the ham bone. (I'll freeze the leftovers tomorrow or Friday.)
I cleaned up the kitchen and put everything away.
I'm done with dinner for tonight. He'll have to fend for himself.
Thanks for listening.
anyone want any ham?
When Easter came around all my husband could talk about was a spiral sliced ham. He wanted a ham, he needed to have it and he talked about it non stop -- of course he didn't start his talk until just three days before Easter, so all of the spiral sliced hams were gone. I got a small regular ham and it just wasn't the same he said, so I kept that in my mind so I could get him a spiral sliced ham and surprise him.
So, last week at the grocery store they had a great sale on spiral sliced hams. I got the smallest one available and proudly brought it home.
He didn't want it.
Too much salt.
He doesn't like to have just ham for dinner.
There's too much food.
We'll never eat it all.
Finally he told me to go ahead and cook it up.
Tonight I made the ham - put on the glaze and made a nice big salad. The house smelled great and the ham was incredibly good.
He didn't want any.
He ate a late lunch.
He may have a ham sandwich later.
I'm sure it's going to spoil before we eat it all.
You aren't going to make bean soup again are you??
My dinner was lovely and I will be making bean soup with the ham bone. (I'll freeze the leftovers tomorrow or Friday.)
I cleaned up the kitchen and put everything away.
I'm done with dinner for tonight. He'll have to fend for himself.
Thanks for listening.
anyone want any ham?
POTD - Lamps
POTD - Lamps
One of my favorite places to take photos is at Target stores. I think it's the repeating images or maybe that it's because everything new. Whatever it is, I take my camera to Target all the time. I've always wanted an acrylic lamp base for my bedside table, but I'm not a huge fan of dusting, so I just wish for a cleaning lady so I can buy the lamps :)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Nothing is related
The day that nothing was related.
I had a few things I wanted to say and I had some pictures I wanted to post - turns out it was all about animals and none of it was really related to one another. Sounds good to me!
I love spring. It comes and goes too quickly here in Florida but the humidity seems to be at bay for some time yet. That is the true end of spring for me - the return of the muggy days.
I've mentioned before that I live on the 5th floor of our condo building so that means that I look out on the tree tops of the pine tree preserves behind our place. The birds love it. (Not that I live on the 5th floor, but that we have this nice big preserve) They sing and sing and sing. We even have several night birds that chat it up. I really appreciate that I live in the city and yet I am thrilled that I have nature at my back door.
The photo above was taken at Target. I did line the birds up :)
My Grandma Henry had these scary bunnies in her home. I don't know why she got them or how she could stand looking at them, but yet, they are so interesting (and freaky) and kind of funny looking (and freaky.)
This rabbit reminds me of a Hitchcock film!
Florence Martus (1868 - 1943), who was known by the people of Savannah and sailors of the sea as the Waving Girl, which is also the name of this statue dedicated to her. Florence greeted ships to Savannah by waving a towel by day and a lantern by night. It is guesstimated that in the 44 years she waved, she greeted 50,000 ships.
The Waving Girl Statue by renowned sculptor Felix De Weldon, the sculptor of the United States Marine Corps Memorial in Arlington, Virginia (also known as the Iwo Jima Memorial,) depicts Florence with her loyal collie.
I was so excited that I was able to get a picture of the statue with a ship coming up the waterway at the same time.
I can't remember if I've spoken about this gem of a book before, so humor me if I have :) Ever since I found the book a few months back I've been thinking about Timothy's climb. I'll be going through my day and all of a sudden I think of Took-a-look Hill.
This is the inside front cover - it shows the journey of Timothy.
Here are the larger versions of the collage above. Notice where he gets cold feet!
Heavy Gloom! Oh goodness, I know those days, then followed by the bolder incident and recovery - heading for home and the cheering fans!
My book was a softcover book, originally published in 1946 and truly one of my very favorites.
Click on the photo above to enlarge the page and read the first page of the story. I love the way it flows. There is just not any way to read this without having it sound like a little song.
Sometimes it really is the little things in life that give me such complete joy.
Swimmingly, swimmingly, swim.
Have a fabulous day!
I had a few things I wanted to say and I had some pictures I wanted to post - turns out it was all about animals and none of it was really related to one another. Sounds good to me!
I love spring. It comes and goes too quickly here in Florida but the humidity seems to be at bay for some time yet. That is the true end of spring for me - the return of the muggy days.
I've mentioned before that I live on the 5th floor of our condo building so that means that I look out on the tree tops of the pine tree preserves behind our place. The birds love it. (Not that I live on the 5th floor, but that we have this nice big preserve) They sing and sing and sing. We even have several night birds that chat it up. I really appreciate that I live in the city and yet I am thrilled that I have nature at my back door.
The photo above was taken at Target. I did line the birds up :)
My Grandma Henry had these scary bunnies in her home. I don't know why she got them or how she could stand looking at them, but yet, they are so interesting (and freaky) and kind of funny looking (and freaky.)
This rabbit reminds me of a Hitchcock film!
Florence Martus (1868 - 1943), who was known by the people of Savannah and sailors of the sea as the Waving Girl, which is also the name of this statue dedicated to her. Florence greeted ships to Savannah by waving a towel by day and a lantern by night. It is guesstimated that in the 44 years she waved, she greeted 50,000 ships.
The Waving Girl Statue by renowned sculptor Felix De Weldon, the sculptor of the United States Marine Corps Memorial in Arlington, Virginia (also known as the Iwo Jima Memorial,) depicts Florence with her loyal collie.
I was so excited that I was able to get a picture of the statue with a ship coming up the waterway at the same time.
I can't remember if I've spoken about this gem of a book before, so humor me if I have :) Ever since I found the book a few months back I've been thinking about Timothy's climb. I'll be going through my day and all of a sudden I think of Took-a-look Hill.
This is the inside front cover - it shows the journey of Timothy.
Here are the larger versions of the collage above. Notice where he gets cold feet!
Heavy Gloom! Oh goodness, I know those days, then followed by the bolder incident and recovery - heading for home and the cheering fans!
My book was a softcover book, originally published in 1946 and truly one of my very favorites.
Click on the photo above to enlarge the page and read the first page of the story. I love the way it flows. There is just not any way to read this without having it sound like a little song.
Sometimes it really is the little things in life that give me such complete joy.
Swimmingly, swimmingly, swim.
Have a fabulous day!
POTD - Golden Light
POTD - Golden Light
I took this picture of the electric candlelight at one of the Papal Churches called St. Paul Outside the Wall. It got it's name because it was literally outside of the ancient walls of Rome. One of my favorite things to photograph in all of the churches we visted were the candles. Some were real flames and some were electric and these were some of the largest electric candles that I saw on our trip.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Outside the Antique Store
On Saturday on my way to the Katie Ride event, I spied this antique store and made a note that I wanted to come back by here on my way home and take photos of the place. I wanted to go in as well - who wouldn't?!! If the exterior looked this fun, then the inside must be wonderful, too.
I was in the town of Fernandina Beach, so that's why there isn't a mile marker for that particular stop.
Cute little bird bath with glass stones and marbles in the water. The water was actually very clean, but the sand in the bottom made it look dark. I loved that thick rope wrapped around the post.
This great looking turquoise chair had a lovely shallow dish of flowers and succulents sitting on it. It was just such a beautiful combination of colors that I couldn't stop at just one photo.
The parking lot side of the outdoor patio had this lovely picket fence with the rope wrapped around a few pickets.
The shop was closed by the time I got back to it, so I wasn't able to go inside. Looks like I'll have to make a road trip back out to the island and wander around when everything is open. Hmmm, I wonder if I'm busy tomorrow?
There was a sign on the building that said that all suspicious activity will be reported to police. I guess I didn't look suspicious because the police never came by :)
I hope that you have a delightful day!
POTD - Oranges
POTD - Oranges
Here in Florida we have stores just off the expressway where tourists are encouraged to buy Florida Oranges by the pound and send them back to family and friends. I think they will even ship your purchases for you. I don't know actually, as I have never bought any for my family or friends. Gosh, am I supposed to? I was thinking this was just a tourist thing until I actually started talking about it. Well, I can't think about it right now, it's not even orange season.
The particular stores in my area are called Indian River Fruit and they carry a large selection of Florida souvenirs, too! This particular store was closed and a new one had been built across the street. Orange and Blue - now those are some Gator colors.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Missed Connections
Every so often I go to Craig's List and I almost always end up looking at the Missed Connections. They are just so entertaining most of the time. I am amazed how many glances get posted. I've glanced at a few million people, smiled at several more million and have waved, laughed and chatted with a lot more. I wonder if anyone ever asked about me here? I hope they don't ask me what they were wearing!!
I've made my comments in the parenthesis below each listing.
(This really makes me wonder - two encounters a couple of years ago? It just seems like they would have gotten back together again in a couple of years if the two previous encounters were significant to the woman.)
(I love this kind of message. I have a terrible memory so I would never be able to pass the test - whatever it is. In this case, the person was supposed remember the guy and also make a note of what car he got into after a "locked eyes" moment. I wonder what the guy would do if she responded by saying she had no idea, but she remembered his eyes were blue.)
(This one is the funniest one I found. I mean, she shouldn't have to start explaining what kind of tat she's planning on getting, she could probably just walk into humanities class and say - Hey! Thanks for the shout out on Craig's List and he'd know she saw it. LOL)
(Unless it's a pirate costume, I rarely remember what people are wearing!)
(Here we are with the women writing the messages. The women tend to be a bit more descriptive - at least the two I chose today were much more wordy than the men's posts. -- I just thought this was a cute message. )
(I liked this one because she gives the motorcycle guy a few options if he can't remember where he was going. LOL I almost don't believe that this actually happened - I mean, do motorcycle guys ask directions? My car driving make friends never do!)
Hope you enjoyed this little bit of silliness. Have a great week!
I've made my comments in the parenthesis below each listing.
a couple of summers ago - m4w - 40
Met twice during a business meeting I had in Florida. It was a binding experience for the both of us. You during our second encounter; me, mentally, ever since.
R U Still around?
(This really makes me wonder - two encounters a couple of years ago? It just seems like they would have gotten back together again in a couple of years if the two previous encounters were significant to the woman.)
you work at little ceasers on wilson - m4w - 19
very beautiful dark skinned female
i came up within 30 minutes ago (its not 8:20. so about 7:50ish?)
was wearing a hat and a bright shirt, we locked eyes for a minute
care to see where it leads?
email back with the color of the truck i was driving
(I love this kind of message. I have a terrible memory so I would never be able to pass the test - whatever it is. In this case, the person was supposed remember the guy and also make a note of what car he got into after a "locked eyes" moment. I wonder what the guy would do if she responded by saying she had no idea, but she remembered his eyes were blue.)
Class - m4w - 25
You sit in front of me in humanities and I cant bring myself to ask you out. Your interesting to talk to and I think your interested in me but I just cannot tell. I would like to talk to you more but the teacher keeps looking our direction. I don't think your EVER gonna see this but I had to get it out there. If by some chance you see this what is the tat your planning on getting
(This one is the funniest one I found. I mean, she shouldn't have to start explaining what kind of tat she's planning on getting, she could probably just walk into humanities class and say - Hey! Thanks for the shout out on Craig's List and he'd know she saw it. LOL)
pink/white bikini - m4w - 24
Normally I wouldn't post here because you probably wouldn't see this anyways.
You: pink and white striped bikini, headphones and by yourself
I kept glancing over at you and thought I caught you doing the same back. When I was leaving, I was going to say something but didn't know what to say at the time. If you see this, response with what I was wearing, and if I was with a male or female. This a a long shot but who knows
(Unless it's a pirate costume, I rarely remember what people are wearing!)
Jacksonville Ale House! 4/6/10 - w4m - 21
You were wearing a red shirt and black and white checkered hat! Super cute, smiling at me from across the bar for some of the night! I should have said something but I'm super shy when it comes like that, even though the girl I was with was pushing me to! lol. Anyway, you'll probably never see this, but figured it was worth a shot I guess, since we left before you and I were able to speak. :) You're adorable! Oh, and I was in a black/white and grey little dress, with boots. ;) Ahhh I hope you're a craigslist nerd, because I'd never think to check on here, lol. :)
(Here we are with the women writing the messages. The women tend to be a bit more descriptive - at least the two I chose today were much more wordy than the men's posts. -- I just thought this was a cute message. )
Motorcycle guy asking for directions - w4m
Saturday night (like 10pm) in the parking lot of McDonalds.
You were on a blue sports-bike.
You were lost, your buddy was giving you crappy directions.
I gave you better, easy directions.
Maybe it was me, but you seemed to be looking at me pretty intense.
You sure were a cutie
If your interested, hit me back.
Put the name of the road you were looking for in the subject line so I wont delete it as spam.
If you dont remember the name of the street, put the name of the road you were on in the subject line.
(I liked this one because she gives the motorcycle guy a few options if he can't remember where he was going. LOL I almost don't believe that this actually happened - I mean, do motorcycle guys ask directions? My car driving make friends never do!)
Hope you enjoyed this little bit of silliness. Have a great week!
POTD - Silver Chest
POTD - Silver Chest
On my way home from the Katie Ride for Life event yesterday I saw this antique shop with a whole bunch of stuff out in front of the store. It was a mixture of plants and goodies and paths and whimsy. I may have to do a whole post on what I saw, but I knew as I was taking this that I wanted it to be the POTD. There was just something about the chest and the weathered wood that I loved.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Katie Ride for Life
Today was the Katie Ride for Life. I've heard about it ever since we got into town a few years back, but had never attended. This year I decided to volunteer my time and go work the event rather than just attend.
Why is it called the Katie Ride?? The Katie Caples Foundation was started in 1998 by the family of Katie Caples, a young high school student from Jacksonville who became an organ and tissue donor after not surviving the trauma of an automobile accident. The foundation created a cycling event called the Katie Ride for Life to stimulate public awareness of this problem and to raise funding to help underwrite an organ donor education program, mostly in schools.
Mayo is one of the major sponsors for the Katie Ride.
Carrabba's and Firehouse Subs provided complementary lunch to all that attended the event. Actually, you could eat as much as you'd like and it was really really good. I kept looking for donation bins near the food, but there were none to be found. I guess they wanted to make sure that everyone ate without obligation.
I never could quite understand why there were pirates running around, but the island where the bike ride was held is Fernadina Beach and I noticed on the water tower as I was leaving this evening that it said it was Home of the Pirates. Guess maybe that's why there were so many pirates with such great costumes!
The Mayo Clinic had a team - they had all the same bicycle shirts - but there were also teams from many other companies and of course lots and lots of individuals. I think we had almost 800 riders and walkers.
Everyone who participated received one of these medals.
All of the volunteers in green shirts like this are actual transplant recipients and they passed out the medals to all of the participants. (Seen here with one of the pirates!)
I helped at the end of the event with the clean up. The first part of my job was sorting and bundling the signs. I had to laugh at the sign "Follow the legs in front!" I don't know what it means exactly - or maybe I don't know why you should follow the legs in front. Well, it made me laugh that's for sure.
When signing up for the bicycle portion of the event the riders had a choice of 30K, 60K, 100K or 100 miles. It was that 100 mile group that were the last ones to arrive back, but it was also their route that probably used the most signs. There are a lot of signs! Thankfully they can all be used each year.
What a job putting this event together, but the volunteers were amazing! There were a ton of high school kids that volunteered to help. I think they were all from the HS where Katie had attended, which makes it even more special. It was so much fun being with a new group of people but I saw a lot of my friends from other volunteer organizations. Since we all volunteer or work with the organ transplant and donation process, we tend to all be at the same functions.
I've talked about transplants a lot the past few weeks. Spring is a big time for events around Jacksonville - it's not too hot yet :)
Hope you have a great weekend!
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