Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm home

Goodness, it's great to be home.

I did learn something today - I am seriously allergic to the cat. I came home, hugged the cat and haven't been able to breathe since. ugh.

Not quite sure what I'm going to do about it - but all I'm hoping for right now is a good nights sleep in my own bed.

Isn't great to crawl into your own bed after being gone for a few days?

I always get this little giggle when I crawl in.

I'll start the Road Trip photo essay tomorrow!!



Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

OH! No! Allergic to the cat?
But glad your home.

"J" said...

Glad you made it home safe!!!!! =)
I can't wait to hear about the trip!

The little link you left in my comments for the mop...well, un - It didn't work? Is it a post you did? The link took me to what looks like your photo bucket file? It wanted me to enter a password? So help! =)

What is up with you and the cat? That is crazy! You are always around the cat?

Kristin - The Goat said...

HI Leigh! Hi J!

Yeppers - always been allergic to the cat, but I've been experimenting with allergy tablets -- guess they aren't working.