Monday, July 06, 2009

Dripping color

It's been so hot here that even the in-store displays are melting LOL

I took this picture in the Michaels store when I was out and about, looking for glitter glue pens (which I did find, on sale - $1.99)

All of the water colors in the Rose Art brand were melted. It was quite a sight.

Stay Cool!


Mrs4444 said...

That is SO funny. (for us, not the company, heehee)

Keetha Broyles said...

What in the WORLD!?! Aren't your stores down there air conditioned????

Sandi (Meme) said...

Wow, now that's hot! Thanks for stopping by my smalltownimages blog! Come see me again some time, or join up as a follower!!!
Have a blessed week my friend.