Some of them I may have mentioned before and some I have recently discovered. The whole reason I sent Liz the printables was because I think it is so wonderful how much really cool free stuff is out there. Not to mention how many truly creative people are out there giving away their artwork/creations for free.
Here is most of the email I sent to Liz describing the printables and giving her the links, with a few additions for the blog.

The 5 Good Things - I found the 5 Good Things chart HERE at Whisker Graphics, which also explains how to use it. I really think it's a fun idea. I think you will like it, too. Here's a great video on how to fold it HERE on Etsy and also another printable. If you really like the Pocket notes, you might like to see the little notebooks that you can customize. HERE. The Pocket Mods are the little notes that I took with me when I went to Ireland and the Isle of Man.

You can read about Happy Tickets - HERE I think this is a real good idea. (I keep wondering if my husband would work for Happy Tickets!)

I printed the house, above, onto sticker paper and used it as my address label. It's a part of the Feed Your Soul art project free download page from IndieFixx. I scaled it down to a postcard size so I could use it as a decoration rather than a 8 x 11. You might be able to find a few fun things on this site - HERE.

The little orange bird card -- found HERE.

The little potted plant - found at Kind Over Matter - HERE. I've printed off this potted plant so many times I can't even begin to count anymore.

The final thing I can remember are the recipe cards. Those weren't free. I got those from a gift pack of printables from Paper&Cake an Etsy Seller. They have some of the greatest downloads and they are so inexpensive. You will have to go and take a look. I paid for the gift pack, just for the recipe cards, I was just so in love with them :) Paper&Cake is located HERE.
I got my package today from Liz. Ooooh, it is so cool. You'll have to come back tomorrow to see what fabulousness she sent me.
Hope you have a great beginning to a wonderful week.
It is amazing how many creative folks are out there and sharing the love and talent.
Thanks for the pointer towards some of them. I LOVE the house, and that you used it as an address label. Very clever.
I actually put a picture up of the address label, but then my hubby reminded me that it would not be a good idea to broadcast our address to the world and beyond! I liked that part of the package as well.:)
Those are so cool! Thanks for the links - I'm going to check some of them out.
Cool printables!!!! =) I wished I was as creative as soome people!!!
As you can see - I'm here!!! I made it this far!!! lol
I just haven't made it to my blog! I wanted to see what you were up to!!!! HE HE HE
You can Leigh!!!! =) My best blog buds in the whole wide world!!!!! I could be gone for 6 months and yall would still LOVE me the same!!!! =) That is why yall are my FAV!!!!!!
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