Sunday, October 11, 2009

The KrisMiss Reunion

This is a picture of my dear friend Missy.  The two of us were best friends in High School.  We've tried to keep in touch since then, but I moved away, she got married, she had kids, she moved away, I moved home - you know, Life!  We got together about 10 years ago for a few months and then she moved again and so did I, but I moved to Florida as I recall.  Then earlier this year she joined Facebook :)  Ahhh, we connected, again.  I've seen her once so far and we spent a fair amount of time together at the reunion last night.  I'll for sure see her many times before I scoot back off into the warmth of Florida.  Missy, it was great to see you.  Thanks :)  I talked about her back in July, here, when I saw her for the first time in eons.

I'll have more and more and more to say about the reunion as I've got a lot to tell.  I'm still hoarse from all of the talking and laughing that I did this weekend, but I have to say, it was a total success.

Have a fabulous day!  I'm off to a flag football game and then back over to the barn to help clean up after the reunion.



  1. I'm glad you got to see her. Have a great day and don't work too hard on that clean up!

  2. Kristin, you look positively RADIANT and GORGEOUS in that black outfit!!!!!

  3. You make me smile alot!


  4. LOve this. Nothing like old friend. Glad you both got to see one another. Sorry that I MISSED YOU!


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