Wednesday, April 28, 2010

POTD - Brunhilda and Borris

POTD - Brunhilda and Borris

The adventures of Brunhilda and Borris Bearssaltandpepper are legendary!  Truly legendary.  (See links below) My fellow blogging friend, Keetha, is the one who has written the witty travelogue of Brunhilda and Borris.  I was wondering just today what they had been up to this Spring, when I decided to make them the Photo of the Day.  I'm going to ask Keetha if the bears have just been hanging out on the kitchen table since Spring has arrived or if they actually got any traveling in.  I wonder if they went to Costa Rica?


*In which I met Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper

*In which I fell in love with Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper

*All of the Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper adventures


Keetha Broyles said...

Awwwwwwwww Kristin!!!! This is so fun.

Brunhilda and Borris (he spells his name with an extra "R" so he can have a little flair, since Brunhilda seemed to get all the REST of that flair thing) have NOT had any adventures recently. They are northwoods bears, and the thought of hot tropical climes did them in - - - so they opted to stay home.

However, now that they know their adoring public (for them ONE is a public) wants to know what they've been up to, I believe they may just have another story in them yet.

Ann in the UP said...

Here in the northwoods, I believe they are emerging from hibernation and a word, hungry. Maybe a recipe?

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

If they live around me, they might have gone back into hibernation. We got a surprise frost last night - hey Mom Nature it's supposed to be Spring! FYI.

Kristin - The Goat said...

Keetha - I've changed the spelling - goodness, I just didn't look at how Borris' name was spelled. (blush) I can't wait to read their latest news :)

Ann - Hmmm, a recipe? I wonder.

Condo Blues - Frost? goodness! Well, that makes sense. My mother always told me that you couldn't plant any annuals in the yard until after Mother's Day because it could still freeze. (this was lower Michigan)

j said...

Honestly! Those two have been more places than I have and my legs actually move.

So fun seeing them on your blog. Not out of place exactly, just not where they usually are. It makes me think of when I was in Elementary school and saw my teacher shopping for groceries. I was so shocked to see her outside of the classroom and to know she bought Coca Cola too :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sweet, I followed them when they were traveling. So Keetha says they haven't been anywhere lately.
I saw some in Mammoth Lakes last summer but she said they were not Brunhilda & Borris. I guess they were cousins.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

YEAH to you for bring them outta hibernation!