Saturday, April 16, 2011

POTD - Sandy Storm

POTD - Sandy Storm
©2011 Kristin Corlett

Sand has covered this storm drain cover and made the words really stand out. I like utilitarian objects like this and am happy to see them when there's something special about it. Like the sand filling in the grooves.



  1. Humph - - - some of OUR storm drains looked like that too - - - only it "weren't" sand that "done" it - - - it "were" sleet!

  2. I never really paid attention to sewer covers until I paused to take a picture of one. Mine, of course, says St. Louis on it and that caused me to wonder exactly how many cities boast their name on their sewer covers? Sewer covers are now on my list of things to seek out when I travel - haven't gone anywhere yet, but trust me I'll be looking down for that perfect shot!

  3. It's wonderful. You do have the best eye for noticing things like this!

  4. I tend to notice them to see what Foundry they came from. Many from our neck of the woods are from the Neenah Foundry and I had an uncle working there at one time. Some of them are very beautifully etched and would make good patterns for an area rug.

  5. i love this shot. i took a similar one in nyc last month, except without the sand!

  6. I love it too. A geat hometown piece to cherish.


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