Wednesday, June 08, 2011

POTD - Pollen

POTD - Pollen
©2011 Kristin Corlett

I'm so glad that there is a Sago Palm right at the door where I enter the Mayo Clinic twice a week. That way I can easily document its activities. Maybe I should have titled this, "The Sago Palm Mysteries." Cue the announcer. "Last week Sago Sam was growing tall and lean. This week's episode we find he's opened up and is now sharing his pollen. Sago Sam can only hope for the bees and other flying insects to come take away the pollen to fertilize all the Sago ladies in town."  For more Sago Palm Mysteries please go visit my previous posts here and here.


Caution/Lisa said...

Being the avid outdoor enthusiast that I am, I had no idea the Palms had pollen. The things I still need to learn!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Awesome shot! Looks almost like a pine cone.

Claudya Martinez said...

Oh you could get the guy that does all of the Hollywood trailers to do the voice-over.