Thursday, August 11, 2011

POTD - Dublin Wash

POTD - Dublin Wash
©2011 Kristin Corlett

This is the laundromat where my husband and I spent a few hours one rainy evening in Dublin, Ireland.  I remember him asking me why in the world I was taking a picture of the washers.  I really liked the repetition, the numbers, the post-it hanging from one, and the lone backpack - not to mention all of the reflections. 


This was the inspiration for my Photo of the Day series (POTD) but I called it the Daily Photo at the time. (blogged here) I showed the original photo and then what ended up being the photo I liked best using a texture in Photobucket. Today my husband wouldn't even think of asking me why I was taking a picture of something off the wall, but that was three years ago. A lot has changed in three years.

I'm happy to have it as a part of my Best Of series.



  1. It really is "best of" - I remember it!

  2. I've found the Irish have the best washers.
    Can you get Guinness at the laundromat?
    They pour the best pints at the Irish pubs. I have taken pictures of a pint but not while I was in Ireland. I wasn't blogging back then.

  3. Wow! I think you have just inspired me with a new project... the best of... hmmmmmm!

    I can't believe you are three years into the project. You have amazing determination and such a gift for seeing beauty in everyday things. You will succeed at this for many many more years.

  4. You do the best lineup photos. I love the photobucket look to this one.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on The Goat. I appreciate knowing you are out there!