Saturday, September 10, 2011

POTD - Pennsylvania Barn

POTD - Pennsylvania Barn
©2011 Kristin Corlett

I think the East Coast is having a melt down.  Not the people, but nature!  I was on my road trip this summer during one of the hottest weeks ever and since then they've had an earthquake, a hurricane and now massive and widespread flooding from never ending rain.  I just thought I'd mention that I was thinking of you all and I hope that people are getting themselves high and dry to wait this out.  The barn in my photo is from Eastern Pennsylvania, right by my friend Lisa's place. 



  1. Very nice. I love barns and the Pennsylvania countryside. The weather news is beginning to read like the book of Exodus. "Let my people go!"

  2. It is lovely. I love barns. To me it would be "Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Barns!"

  3. I love this. I am pretty sure I remember where it is. Funny to see it on a website and know I probably see it almost everyday but can't tell you exactly well.

    Our levees held back water 2 feet higher than they were built for. Our big "city" was protected, but so many other low lying areas were hit harder than ever before. Its such a powerless, helpless feeling to know your life is going on as normal, when so many in your area are homeless and struggling. But we'll bounce back. They don't call us the Valley with a Heart for nothing.

  4. Like those in the Midwest, the PA barn is beautiful. To me it looks like a large dairy operation with a silo for corn storage.


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