Friday, September 09, 2011

POTD - Straight Out Of the Camera

POTD - Straight Out Of the Camera
©2011 Kristin Corlett

I am so very grateful for this spectacular sunset.  It was not only beautiful, but its unusual color seared through my curtains and drew my attention.  Thank goodness it did, because up until that point, I never once thought about taking a picture for my 365 project.   I would have been heartbroken had I missed a day so far along.  I titled this Straight Out Of the Camera (SOOC) because it hasn't been altered.  This is is the way I shot it.  Fabulous!



  1. For a few minutes the other night, we had a violet sunset. Why did it take me 40something years to appreciate a good sunset?

  2. Recently we have had skies like that and going back through my photos I have several skies like this taken in September. They are just beautiful. It must be a Fall thing. It's a great picture.

  3. Beautiful! No editing required.

    I am struggling with the 365. So much going on, my priorities have shifted so much. I have missed probably 3-4 days. I am hoping to get caught up on editing and see where the gaps are. Still trying to plug along when I can.


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