Friday, November 02, 2018

Cat toys show up for food, too!

Cat toys show up for food, too! 

This morning when I woke up I noticed that there was a group of cat toys that had been assembled in and around the cat food. 

I thought that one of the funniest was that little black and white cow was perched on the edge, just sort of peeking in. 

The poor pink fish bones cat toy was flopped over the side and the Dali horse, had jumped right in. 

Loki, the kitty, sniffed all of the toys and agreed that they were OK to have a meal with.

He decided to dine with everyone.  Here it is a dozen hours later and the toys are still there, but nearly all the cat food has been eaten - except from under the horse.  The horse always hides some.  It's the emergency stash, I believe. 

Have a great day!