- The Wreck
- POTD - Calendar Page
- POTD - Jaguar Tattoos
- Concrete Angels
- POTD - Weathered
- Saturday Sampling
- POTD - Angel
- Friday Fragments
- POTD - Shining Sea II
- Just wandering around
- POTD - Standing Tall
- Done and done
- POTD - Wrong Way
- Before and During
- POTD - Shadow Palm
- Fair Warning SOLD
- POTD - Bench
- Cemetery Statues
- POTD - Roller Mixer
- Up for air
- POTD - Ain't Misbehavin'
- POTD - Brick Wall
- Pig Cake. Yes, I said Pig Cake.
- POTD - Lamp Post
- Randomness
- Eclairs
- Treasures?
- A Great Day!
- Saturday Morning
- POTD - Jiffy
- My friend
- POTD - Gala Trio
- Apples. Lots and lots of apples.
- POTD - A Sea of Red
- Auctions and Antiques
- POTD - The Deer Family
- A little bit of this and that
- POTD - Santa Santa
- See my belly?
- POTD - Two by the Sea
- Cottage by the Sea
- POTD - Hello Hello
- Scalloped Corn (bread)
- POTD - Sprinklers at night
- Friday Fragments
- Update on my transplant friend
- POTD - Snow Trees
- Souper Supper
- POTD - Ruthy's
- POTD - Red, Gold and Green
- The waiting game
- POTD - Look what we got!
- 24 hours
- POTD - Carousel Horse
- Happy New Year
- POTD - Yukon, FL
Monday, January 31, 2011
January 2011 Links
The Wreck
My husband and I worked together this afternoon cleaning out his office and organizing all of the items that we have for sale. I really didn't even get too frustrated with him, so it was a very good day!
I left his office with him saying "I'm right behind you." Which in Tom speak means about 20 minutes. I stopped by the car wash and got the car nice and clean, arrived home, fed the cat, sat down on the couch and the phone rang.
I arrived on scene to see this.
This is my husband's truck.
The side view mirror is nearly gone, too - we found the casing to it inside the truck.
Tom is very lucky he didn't lose his hand because he had the window down and his arm on the window ledge (for lack of a better term.)
I had to laugh that a whole line of men were running by - police cadets maybe? They were all dressed in blue. There were about 30 of them.
This is the offenders truck. It was about 50 yards away from where Tom's truck ended up.
This is the Sheriff Officer who was going by just moments after the wreck. We figure it was about 5 minutes. Pretty quick response for never getting a call! He was great.
This is the Officer who came to talk with the driver of the other car to determine if he was impaired. The other driver has his hands up in the air describing some tall tale about how Tom ran him off the road and rammed him with the front of his car. Or maybe it was the story about the other drivers all being erratic or maybe it was the one... He had a lot of stories. The first thing out of his mouth was that he was on Oxycontin and a muscle relaxant and has been driving on those drugs for years.
While we were standing along side the road another man pulled up, got out of his car and came over to us. He was sheet white. I didn't understand why at first, but soon learned. The idiot that wrecked Tom's car had, just 20 minutes prior, ran into the back of this gentleman. He didn't see any damage to his car and he was in a hurry, so he just exchanged names with the guy and took off. On his way home, he saw the wreck.
When he saw our accident and the blue truck, he was so regretful that he didn't file a report. As I told him, I wouldn't have either, not if there wasn't any damage. It just was unfortunate all the way around. He decided to file a report with the officers right then. I hope that in some way this extra report helped keep the impaired guy in jail at least overnight.
Almost a month ago my husband sold his car and his truck and purchased this truck. This truck, that was a used truck, about 5 years old and very low miles. This truck that is now hanging out at the wrecker service place.
Tom is pretty sore and I think he may be seeing a Dr. in the morning just to get looked over (his lower back is the problem area tonight) and make sure he's OK. We picked up a rental car tonight and we'll just have to wait and see what happens with everything as the week goes on.
What a day this turned out to be, but how fortunate that the accident wasn't more serious.
Hope you have a great day!
I left his office with him saying "I'm right behind you." Which in Tom speak means about 20 minutes. I stopped by the car wash and got the car nice and clean, arrived home, fed the cat, sat down on the couch and the phone rang.
I've been in a wreck, can you come? Who do I call? Is it 911? (Are you bleeding?) I think I'm fine, but I'm sick, bring water, I'm hyperventilating, nevermind, a policeman just arrived on the scene, what luck. Come on over here. OK bye.
I arrived on scene to see this.
This is my husband's truck.
The side view mirror is nearly gone, too - we found the casing to it inside the truck.
Tom is very lucky he didn't lose his hand because he had the window down and his arm on the window ledge (for lack of a better term.)
I had to laugh that a whole line of men were running by - police cadets maybe? They were all dressed in blue. There were about 30 of them.
This is the offenders truck. It was about 50 yards away from where Tom's truck ended up.
This is the Sheriff Officer who was going by just moments after the wreck. We figure it was about 5 minutes. Pretty quick response for never getting a call! He was great.
This is the Officer who came to talk with the driver of the other car to determine if he was impaired. The other driver has his hands up in the air describing some tall tale about how Tom ran him off the road and rammed him with the front of his car. Or maybe it was the story about the other drivers all being erratic or maybe it was the one... He had a lot of stories. The first thing out of his mouth was that he was on Oxycontin and a muscle relaxant and has been driving on those drugs for years.
While we were standing along side the road another man pulled up, got out of his car and came over to us. He was sheet white. I didn't understand why at first, but soon learned. The idiot that wrecked Tom's car had, just 20 minutes prior, ran into the back of this gentleman. He didn't see any damage to his car and he was in a hurry, so he just exchanged names with the guy and took off. On his way home, he saw the wreck.
When he saw our accident and the blue truck, he was so regretful that he didn't file a report. As I told him, I wouldn't have either, not if there wasn't any damage. It just was unfortunate all the way around. He decided to file a report with the officers right then. I hope that in some way this extra report helped keep the impaired guy in jail at least overnight.
Almost a month ago my husband sold his car and his truck and purchased this truck. This truck, that was a used truck, about 5 years old and very low miles. This truck that is now hanging out at the wrecker service place.
Tom is pretty sore and I think he may be seeing a Dr. in the morning just to get looked over (his lower back is the problem area tonight) and make sure he's OK. We picked up a rental car tonight and we'll just have to wait and see what happens with everything as the week goes on.
What a day this turned out to be, but how fortunate that the accident wasn't more serious.
Hope you have a great day!
POTD - Calendar Page
POTD - Calendar Page
©2011 Kristin Corlett
I spent Sunday afternoon enjoying some time to myself not to mention a whole lotta sunshine and warm air coming through the windows. I recorded about 6 hours of 80s videos on my DVR so it was the perfect time to listen to the music while I cleaned a bit and swapped a load of laundry or two. I made calendar pages for March and April, too. I realized the my experiment in Jan 2009 (to make my own calendar pages instead of buying a big calendar) was no longer an experiment. I've now done it for two years. I don't fill up the pages as beautifully as TracyU does (you have to see her calendar journals) but I like making mine.
This photo is of the beginning stages of the page. I have laid out the post-its (already used post its from the month previous) and will now stamp or decorate around each of them. I have been searching to try to find my previous posts on my calendar pages, but I can't seem to find them. I tried the little search up in the left hand corner. It isn't doing a very good job for me. I'll find them some other time.
No blog post yesterday, so this is kind of making up for that :)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
POTD - Jaguar Tattoos
POTD - Jaguar Tattoos
©2011 Kristin Corlett
You just never know where an unusual piece of art may show up. Last Thursday my husband attended some storage unit auctions and for about an hour I joined him. I parked near a tattoo parlor, oh I lie, I parked in one of their parking spots and walked over to the auction. When I came back and found my car still in the spot, I rejoiced! and then noticed this delightful Jaguar sculpture. Several of these are found around town, although I've only seen a couple of them. This particular Jaguar was decorated in tattoo art and sits outside the tattoo shop.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Concrete Angels
Here's the angel from the other day. My friend JB asked if she was holding a burrito - well, I honestly couldn't tell until I pulled out this photo. I guess they really were roses. I was interested in getting her face and her wings in the shot that I hadn't really looked to see what was in her hands.
I mentioned yesterday (here) that she had big features - big eyes, big flat mouth and a thick neck - I don't think it was as evident in yesterdays photo as it is here.
My blogging friend, Lisa, really enjoys taking photos of concrete angels and yesterday when she saw my POTD she commented that she should start a Flickr group that features them. Being the go-getter that she is, she did! (I would have waited weeks if not months to start the group. I'm just not too quick on these things.) If you have some concrete angels that you have photographed and would like to be a part of the group, I invite you to join the Concrete Angel Flickr pool. I may not be quick in creating things but I certain am quick to join!
In my wanderings today I ended up at another cemetery. This one in Mandarin (a Jacksonville neighborhood), where I've been before, but just today I realized that the cemetery is only open on weekends and holidays. Isn't that interesting? It makes sense now that I think about it.
This angel isn't concrete. She's far from it actually as she's styrofoam with a flecked paint over top. She was still quite lovely and I got several beautiful shots of her.
I picked stuff up, dropped stuff off, went to an estate sale and made a point to explore some neighborhoods just so I could take some photos and have a little something to blog about and I end up talking about a cemetery again. Well, sometimes you just have to do what seems right at the time. I didn't want to forget to mention Lisa's new Flickr group. I am going to have to go back into my archives and see if I have any other concrete angels.
Have a wonderful weekend!
POTD - Weathered
POTD - Weathered
©2011 Kristin Corlett
In the ghost town of Yukon, FL I found this building. I have no idea what it is currently used for or was used for, but the pediment of this building is so interesting. People spend lots of money to achieve a layered, weathered look and this building has it just naturally. What I don't understand is why the boards were originally painted so many different colors? Interesting.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Saturday Sampling
My friend Mrs. 4444 (Fours) has a weekly link love called Saturday Sampling.
The whole idea behind Saturday Sampling is that if you are behind in your blog reading, if you are wanting to read the best of the best or if you have read a really great blog post and want to share it - Saturday Sampling is where you want to be. Link up your favorite post and then read the favorites of others.
I linked up to my Gala Apples Photoshoot. That was a nice light-hearted post and the photoshoot produced one of my new favorite photos.
This weekend take a trip over to Mrs. 4444's place and peruse the Saturday Samplings and if you still have some time, look through the Friday Fragments. Between those two carnivals you will laugh and cry and laugh some more. You might even learn a few things! I always do.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
POTD - Angel
POTD - Angel
©2011 Kristin Corlett
I really liked this angel I found in the cemetery the other day, but not for the reasons you might think. I like this angel because she is not typically delicate. All of her features are big. Big eyes, big flat nose, a wide flat smile and a thick neck. Even the feathers on her wings are heavy and clunky. I can see this angel getting things done and keeping the unwanted out. Sort of the bouncer of the cemetery :)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Friday Fragments
It's Friday Fragments Day!
It's Friday Fragments Day!
Welcome to Friday Fragments! This is the place where we're able to put little snippets of fun or interesting things together without having to stretch that idea into an entire blog post. I have missed the past two FF days, so I'm anxious to get back into the Fragmenting grooooove!
Mrs. 4444 is our lovely host and I am so grateful for her continued hosting of this fun carnival. For more Friday Fragment finds, please head on over to Half-Past Kissin' Time. Thanks!
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.
Steven Tyler made me cry last night (American Idol on Wednesday) when leaned down and gave the girl in a wheelchair a kiss and said "...that's why he sings so good, because he sings to you." Oh Lordy, turn off the faucet! I didn't expect to burst into tears like that. Whew. (I'm actually typing this moments after he said it, so I'm still wiping away tears.)
Bigger Really is Better when it comes to ordering photos. I just found this on a photographers website. Her name is Amy Ro and I couldn't agree more with her point of view.
If you hadn't heard, my friend, Julie, who needed a second liver transplant has gotten it and is doing very well. She's still in the hospital and will probably be going to a rehab facility in the next week or so to continue her progress. I am so very grateful to everyone for the thoughts and prayers for her recovery.
December 2010 Timelapse Blizzard video -This was 32 inches of snow in Belmar, NJ. Whew!
You Northerners have been getting so much snow that I think nearly every one of you could have taken this video!
I purchased this Perpetual Paris Calendar for my husband to give to me for Christmas. :) Sometimes it's just better to do things that way! When I went to the Little Brown Pen Etsy site I discovered that this calendar is now 30% off. Good deal! The other night I finally put the calendar all together. Of course I did it in the middle of the night and without a ruler or a ladder, so I'm glad I didn't wake the downstairs neighbors and that I got the rows fairly even. I really really love it and it looks great with the mossy green wall paint I have in the guest bedroom.
This photo is the calendar installed in my home.
I'm a diabetic and have been controlling my blood sugar very well since I was first diagnosed, but my weight gain has been out of control. Things needed to change, so my new doctor that I really like, referred me to an endocrinologist. My first appt with the endo after my labs was just the other day. We discussed my issues and he listened, then he decided to change up my medication. I hope it works for me as one of the side effects is NOT weight gain.
It seems like every medication that works for me has a side effect of weight gain - and within a few days, I gain many pounds. Many days later I gain many pounds. That keeps up for a few weeks and then the weight gain stops, thankfully. I've gained myself right out of my clothes and into higher doses of insulin, which can cause weight gain. Vicious cycle. I'm optimistic that this Dr. can help me and I can lose this weight again, and maybe a few dozen more :)
Thanks so much for stopping by my place. I hope to make it to yours this weekend, too!Kristin
POTD - Shining Sea II
POTD - Shining Sea II
©2011 Kristin Corlett
After pouring rain from dawn til dusk yesterday, the brilliant, blinding, sunshine was a welcome sight. I came out of the grocery store by my condo and the reflecting sun off of the pond was too hard to resist. I put the groceries in the car and grabbed my camera.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Just wandering around
After my doctors appointment today I decided to figure out how to get to my doctor's office without having to get on the expressway. I just knew there was a way and I was kind of hoping I'd run into a photo gem along the way.
My road cut across a major road (that I knew) and then turned into a dead end. The dead end was a sleepy little neighborhood. I was immediately rewarded with this log mailbox keeper. I can add it to my mailbox collection.
Across the street from the mailbox was a gorgeous tree, but I'd have to walk into the peoples backyard to photograph it. I drove around to the front of the house to see if I could knock on their door. Nope. I didn't want to give up, but I didn't want to trespass. I decided to come back.
I found this old basketball hoop inches from the roadway. Clearly the kids who played basketball, played in the road. I think it's been awhile since anyone played.
I met a woman who was pulling out of her driveway and I told her I was taking pictures of the hoop. She asked why. I told her because I thought it was interesting. She sort of huffed, rolled her eyes and drove off. Some folks really don't understand. That's OK :)
Then I wandered back to the house with the great tree. I decided to stop and take a picture of the roadway. While I was standing in the middle of the road a man riding a bike came toward me. I said hello and asked him about the house with the tree. I explained that the tree was so beautiful next to the barn and I'd like to take a picture of it, but it didn't look like anyone was home.
He suggested that he join me in trespassing because he was a neighbor and no one would question him. Sounded good to me! So we wandered in just a little ways, as I wasn't brave enough to get real close. We talked for a few minutes and I learned that he was a tree guy from Connecticut but moved back to Jacksonville recently. Guess I know who's mailbox I photographed!
Then we discussed this tree. This gorgeous tree with all of the Spanish moss on it, next to the old barn, next to the frostbitten plant. I wish I could have wandered all around this place as there were a dozen more shots I would have loved to have taken. The tree guy and I walked back to the road and we noticed a car turning around in the drive next door. She pulled up next to us and sighed as she rolled down the window.
"Am I anywhere near the Mayo Clinic?" she asked.
Tree guy didn't know how to direct her, but I did. I told her I'd do a little better and I'd drive her to the highway because it was a little tricky to get there. I thanked the tree guy, hopped in my car and got the woman on her way to Mayo.
I guess I realize now why I detoured and stayed on that little back road for as long as I did. I was waiting to help that woman get to Mayo. Well, that and get my shot :)
Have a great day!
POTD - Standing Tall
POTD - Standing Tall
©2011 Kristin Corlett
I just love the color of this wall in my computer room and this evening I thought that crayons might look nice against that color. I played with color, height, angles and depth. Not sure I love this photo but I liked experimenting. I posted this picture on Flickr for my 365 group and someone mentioned that the crayons were sharp and just ready for a coloring book. I had to laugh. I'm not sure I'd be willing to let any of these crayons touch a coloring book!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Done and done
This is the second and final episode of the chair. If you happened to miss part one it was yesterday's Before and During.
I took a friend to the airport in the morning, came home and instead of going to up to the Mayo Clinic to meet with friends, I crawled right back into bed. I love sleeping on rainy, cloudy days and that's what today was...it rained and rained and rained.
After my late morning nap, I decided to finish up that chair. I certainly wasn't going to go play in the rain or run errands, so this was a perfect rainy day activity.
I spent a few hours, literally a few hours, pulling out these tiny, rusty nails out of the wood backboard and seat. My tools were a screwdriver, hammer and vise grips. I love vise grips. I really do. They can grab hold of the smallest things and make me feel like I have super grip!
I cut the foam to the size of the boards and then lined up the two pieces on the striped fabric, making sure that the stripes matched up, top piece to bottom piece.
I found the center point an drew a line on the board so that the brown line matched up on both sides. Then I used my staple gun and put a few staples in each side to secure the fit and then I finished up the sides and corners.
I've reupholstered dining room chairs before, but I've never used stripes. This piece made me so nervous! The shapes were curvy and uneven but I managed to get the stripes to actually match up. Whew!
I just wish I knew what kind of chair it is. I've Googled about everything I can possibly think of and haven't found this style. Anyone have any ideas?
Have a great day!
POTD - Wrong Way
POTD - Wrong Way
©2010 Kristin Corlett
What do you think?
Do you think that palm tree is going to shape up and stop going the wrong way?
Ha Ha!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Before and During
There's just something about furniture that I can hardly resist. I remember one of the first pieces of furniture that I purchased, I got it because I thought that the piece needed to be cared for better than it had been.
Bad mistake.
I was putting a lot of emotion behind the purchase and it's hard to part with something if you put too much emotion behind it.
I bought this piece a few weeks ago, but thankfully I didn't have any real emotion attached to it. I was however determined to get rid of the fabric and batting because it smelled something awful. It was in a filthy house that was like a moment in time. All of the furniture, bedding, knick knacks, artwork, everything was 50 years old. I think there was even a rotary dial phone still in use.
I stripped off the fabric, got some wood glue and tightened up the two corners that were loose. I also cleaned it up within an inch of its life. I have purchased new batting and am using fabric that I have on hand to reupholster this piece. The wood is in pretty rough shape, but I'll shine it up and it should look pretty good. I really want to paint it white - shabby chic it up - but my husband had a fit.
One really good thing is that it sure does smell a lot better than it did when I got it!
I haven't finished the back and seat yet, so I'll have to update that later in the week. :)
Have a great day!
POTD - Shadow Palm
POTD - Shadow Palm
©2011 Kristin Corlett
During the auction yesterday, the auctioneer started selling a whole bunch of items that I had absolutely no interest in purchasing. A whole lot of guns. Zero interest. Thankfully my Mother called so I went outside to chat. Perfect timing! The entire time I was outside I watched the breeze blow the palm fronds and their subsequent shadows back and forth across the wall. Rarely did the frond stretch out this straight so I held my camera up and waited for the perfect moment to snap a shot.
Thanks Mom for the chat, it was really great catching up.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Fair Warning SOLD
I'm hopeless.
I love auctions.
This guy stood on this ladder all day auctioning off everything. I've spent a few hours (make that a few hundred hours) on a ladder and by the end of the day I can hardly walk. I don't know how this guy can handle being up there all day. Ouch!
This was a giant warehouse where they get consignments and I bet they purchase a lot of items from estate sales and such. There were a lot of items on the walls and hanging from the ceiling that weren't for sale, but were pretty cool. This guitar crossing sign was fun and so was the Bates Motel Store sign.
I had no idea what these plastic looking spear things were, but when I pointed them out to my husband he thought he knew. He said they were horse heads for jousting. The horse snout would actually be covered in amour so it didn't need to be formed in the plastic or whatever that substance is.
These two pieces were way up near the ceiling, otherwise I would have touched it :)
This was a great auction. A lot of really great deals, an auctioneer that understood how to chant and a nice selection of items from High to Low end.
Tom bought a few pieces that weren't a good deal, in my opinion, but on a few others he did great.
I, on the other hand, did a really great job. All of the things I won I got at a pretty decent price.
I saw this Koi Vase and knew if it went for under $100 it was going to be mine. Any more than that and I just couldn't be sure if I could sell it or if it was worth it to keep. It is just an inch shy of five feet tall, white pottery/ceramic/porcelain with stenciled koi fish with gold scales.
We purchased it for $85 plus 12% buyers premium, which comes up to just under $100 :) It doesn't match anything in my house, isn't my style, isn't green (I love green pottery), and Lord knows I don't have a place to put it, so we dropped it off at Tom's office where we are going to have a sale this coming weekend. But I have to admit that I really really want to keep it!
We came home and Googled the vase. I found the Global Views site and they sell this vase, Koi Vase from Global Views. If you clicked over, you will have noticed that this vase is on sale for around $1430. That's the sale price! Ahhh, I think I did pretty well for my $100 dollar bill!
So the vase is going up for sale. Maybe I can get $700 for it - maybe more?! It probably won't sell this weekend, but that's OK. I'm willing to wait :)
These two cat watercolors were on the wall of the auction house, but weren't for sale. I asked if they'd put them up for bid anyway, they did and I came home with them for $25 for the pair. I opened up the back of the frames and found out that they are from the artist Carrie Hawks, www.tigerpixie.com. The top one is Fat Red Fred and the bottom one is Plaid Cat. Mocha decided they could stay after a good sniffing.
The other items we purchased I didn't photograph, but it's all going into our sale - a scale, another framed picture, a tilt top table, two rugs, an original animation cell of Fred and Barney and a swing arm lamp, which is in my guest bedroom, so that's not for sale. That lamp is for Bob when she comes to stay in less than a month. She likes to read in bed :)
I hope we are able to sell all of the items we culled from the storage unit (here) at the sale next weekend. Speaking of that disaster of a purchase - we have a few hours left on the Bud Man stein and we just listed that vintage pig cookie jar, if you want to take a look.
Have a wonderful upcoming week and lovely night,
POTD - Bench
POTD - Bench
©2011 Kristin Corlett
When I visited the cemetery by the beach yesterday I noticed that there were a lot of benches. I've visited a lot of cemeteries and have seen benches before, but this place had an over abundance of benches. This wasn't an unusual bench, but I liked the shocking yellow bouquet that was near it.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Cemetery Statues

I've been wanting to go into the H. Warren Smith Cemetery for quite some time and today I finally got the opportunity. It's just a small little cemetery a mile or so from the ocean, but I've noticed a few statues that I wanted to photograph. I don't have any problems wandering through cemeteries, standing on graves or reading the headstones. Good thing, huh, because that's exactly what I did this afternoon.
We had a beautiful, sunny, cold day today. The wind was whipping around too, but it was a nice relaxing time wandering around the headstones and statues. I especially enjoy seeing all the declarations of love. I even saw a card, wrapped in plastic, placed at one of the stones. So sad and so sweet.
I hope you've had a wonderful day and that you visit others playing along with Sundays in My City at Unknown Mami's place.