Monday, December 19, 2011

POTD - A Plate of Donuts

If I haven't mentioned it a million times already, I am in the final days of my 365 photo project.  Trying to come up with fun things to photograph elude me sometimes, so I keep my eyes open for possible photo topics to keep in my pocket and pull out when I need them. 

I saw a blog post about donuts a while back and a plate full of donuts seemed like a real nice photo subject.  Bavarian creme, chocolate with sprinkles, a couple of nutty donuts and some powdered sugar ones.  Don't you just want to grab one and dive right in?

Me, too! and I know the secret!!

The secret is that these are not full sized donuts.  They are mini ones.  Very mini!

The tiny round sprinkles just look huge on that mini confection if you think about it. 

All of these donuts are actually decorated Cheerios!

Yepper - Cheerios.

I kept putting the donuts in the freezer to keep the chocolate from melting as I arranged them on the plate for the photo shoot.  I realized that this was a great picture to show the scale of the plate of donuts.  I think we all know the size of a pound of butter.

That little teeny plate I found at the flea market.  It's a small Holly Hobby plate.  I picked it up for a dime.  I'd looked in nearly every shop for something small to put the donuts into or on.  I'm so fortunate to have found this plate near the end of our flea market tour.

I'd like to thank The Unconfidential Cook for the Tiny Treats blog post which started this whole quest for mini donuts and a teeny plate to put them on.  I had so much fun and the donuts are the official photo for Day 353.

I hope you have a great day!!

12 more days of my 365 Photo Project.  Just 12 more days!


jb said...

I knew your secret when I saw the pic! Lily has an entire "cookbook" devoted to making mini treats! Imagine: oreo cookies as layer cakes!
Great photos, as usual!

Ann in the UP said...

Ohhhhhh, you clever thing! I was pining after the real thing after I saw your picture, but as of this morning I'm down 32 pounds. Not many donuts this year. Lots of Cheerios, though.

Bill Lisleman said...

you fooled me - wow cheerio donuts what do you put the chocolate on with - a syringe?
You should open a bakery for dolls.

42N said...

I love the Land O Lakes shot. Lots of color. Great brand logo design.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, these are just too cute!

Mrs4444 said...

These are awesome! Very fun, and I'm impressed by your patience :)