Friday, April 15, 2011

POTD - tic tac

POTD - tic tac
©2011 Kristin Corlett

My tenants, who just went home, left these behind in their condo.  I don't buy tic tacs, but I have always liked the packaging and the sound they make when you shake the box.  The orange ones also make me think of Paulie Bleeker in the movie Juno.  (He always ate orange tic tacs)



Rebecca said...

I really LOVE tictacs! They are so yummy and delicious. I like the green ones and yellow ones and orange ones........

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Orange are my favorite!

Traci Marie Wolf said...

It WAS very quirky, the way he ate his tic taks. Such a funny thing to leave behind (I guess there could be worse things.)

j said...

LOVE - love love love - the orange ones!

42N said...

You really should be a commercial photographer.