Monday, October 31, 2011

October 2011 Links

These are the links to all of my posts for October 2011


Twas the afternoon of Halloween and the ordinary was starting to look a little scary.

Was this tree always this dark and sinister?

Could it just be the day of the year?

Pumpkins were huddling together hoping to be safe from the the ghouls and goblins that would be coming out after dark.

Some pumpkins sprouted wings and donned a mask just to blend in with the crowd sure to come by this evening.

This fireman decided to hang off to the side to make sure that the crowds stayed orderly.

For now the sun is still above the horizon, but soon it will be dark.  Soon the streets near and far (except in New Hampshire) will have front porch lights on, kids in costumes and laughter and joy will be in the air. 

When all have been tucked in bed, what will come out from the shadows then?

Happy Halloween!

POTD - Halloween Bee

POTD - Halloween Bee
©2011 Kristin Corlett

I spotted this bee buzzing around someone's house.  What a fun and interesting way to display pumpkins.  Don't hit me, but carved pumpkins would hardly last a day in Jacksonville's 70º heat.   You folks on the East Coast, I bet your pumpkins are buried under snow! Hope you can find them :0)

I do hope this is a fun and enjoyable Halloween for everyone!


Saturday, October 29, 2011

POTD - Spicy

POTD - Spicy
©2011 Kristin Corlett

One of my Michigan trips I found myself at an estate sale with my Mom.  I recall seeing quite a few big or heavy things that I would have loved to haul home with me - a typing table, a large framed poster from the 70s, books.   One of them was a gallon zipper bag with seven spice tins and a small box of birthday candles.  All for the bargain price of 50¢.  I remember telling my Mom that I was going to need these for a photo shoot some day.  I was right.  I was fresh out of ideas, when I remembered the spices.  I tore out a page from a 60s cookbook to make the backdrop for the tins and spent some time arranging and rearranging the tins until I finally got a shot I liked.  


Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Fragments

It's Friday Fragments Day!!
It's Friday Fragments Day!
It's Friday Fragments Day!
It's Friday Fragments Day!  
It's Friday Fragments Day!

Welcome to Friday Fragments!  This is the place where we're able to put little snippets of fun or interesting things together without having to stretch that idea into an entire blog post.

Mrs. 4444 is our lovely host and I am so grateful for her continued hosting of this fun carnival.  For more Friday Fragment finds, please head on over to Half-Past Kissin' Time.  Thanks!


I've discovered that when you have a credit card that is completely paid off, big money things find their way to the pocketbook.  $5000 in teeth (just mine), $40 three times a week for 6 weeks for the Chiropractic appts that I need for my back and neck, $600 on the car, once a year automatic payments show up - so I knew about that one, but had forgotten the time of year.  I think there are a few more, but I'm in denial.


At our monthly potluck one of the women makes a really great punch.  She's kind of a jokster so I purchased a shark fin ice ring that I'm going to freeze.  At the next potluck I'll sneak it into her punch.  I think she'll get a kick out of it!

Google images
This is the mold.  It's a hoot!

For the They Grow Up So Quickly part of the program.

I took this picture in October 2010 when I went home to Michigan to visit with my family and my nieces.

This is Scarlett the week of her first birthday.


This picture is Scarlett, October 2011.  It's once again the week of her birthday.  I took this photo in the same park and on the same swing set as I had the year before. She looks like such a big kid and she's only two!

I'm totally jealous of her curls.


 I have seen this photo on Facebook a dozen times and it never fails to crack me up!  

Is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted
And my arms are open wide
'cause you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much
I love you

I long to see the sunlight in your hair
And tell you time and time again
How much I care
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow

I've just got to let you know
'cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely?
Or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying I love you


We only have 64 more days of the year 2011.  We've already passed through 301 days.  Can you remember most of those days?  I can't.  I'm glad I have a blog so I can remember what in the world I have been doing this year.


I've got dozens of people collecting bread bag tags for me.  It's fun going to the mailbox and finding a little envelope with a few tags tucked inside.  Had I realized this project was going to bring me more snail mail I would have started this a long time ago!  Thanks everyone, I'm still collecting.  If I could fill an entire wall with them, that would be awesome.  I have a vision of a backdrop of the tags with photographs hanging in front.


Thanks for stopping by my late entry :0)  I'm just happy to be able to participate this week. 

Don't forget to visit Half Past Kissing Time to see the other Fragmenters


POTD - Cattail Reflections

POTD - Cattail Reflections
©2011 Kristin Corlett

The sun was in the perfect place to lend some light to the photo.  The water was barley moving but left enough of a ripple to make the reflection interesting.  The water reflected that brilliant blue sky and the cattails.  It all added up to a really fabulous find. 


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Doing a little detective work

If ever there was a use for a thesaurus it's when you're trying to do a search for something that you know very little about.  I kept wanting a new set of words for "seed pod" and had very little luck.

This afternoon on my photo journey to find something interesting for my 365 project, I came across some interesting seeds.

I tried to take one of the seed pods with me, but they were really stubborn!  I broke the pod of the one I was trying to pull off and the stem to the plant never did break off.

I took a photo of the seed pods, but there weren't any flowers on the very tall plants.

So I come back home and try to Google some keywords that relate to my seed pod to discover the name of the plant.  I switch to images so I can go through them quickly.

I tried
Black Seed pod 5"
flower seed pod black four sides
Black seed pod + bean-like (I got beans - hundreds of bean photos)


I just assumed it was a flower, so I tried
black seed pod bushes


Finally I started THINKING!
that's difficult some days.

Florida Flowers with black seed pods

It was on page two, but there they were!

Candlebrush is a member of the bean or legume family, and there are two different species that go by this common name.  Other common names for this bold tropical beauty are Christmas Candle and Emperor’s Candlesticks.  So it’s important to be able to identify today’s featured plant as Senna alata. (And to add to the confusion, older books name this plant as Cassia alata.)

According to the UF/IFAS Okeechobee County Extension Service, where the above quote was taken, these cool looking plants have some bad habits.  They are a bit invasive, the entire plant is poisonous if swallowed, but are used for medicinal purposes and they really only have a three season life.  They can become quite large,  think shrubs, and they create sucker plants like crazy.  I guess if one were to plant this flowering shrub you'd want it to be confined to a small location so the gardener could weed the suckers easily or to give it tons of space to just take over.

I'm going to try to go back to the location where I found the bush, this time armed with a knife or pair of scissors, and get a few more seed pods.  They are just terribly cool and I want to photograph them in an unnatural environment - like my table!

Have you found an unusual plant lately?

Have a great day!

POTD - Really Great Cookies

POTD - Really Great Cookies
©2011 Kristin Corlett

I picked up three cookies to bring to a friend's house, knowing of course, that the cookies would have to be my photo of the day.  I just assumed that my friend would have a nice plate or something decorative that I could use as the base for the cookies.   After searching through his cupboards, pantry, books and blankets, I discovered these neat silver and black DVD cases.  I teased him about being a BOY and not having anything fancy.   It was a bit of an effort, but I think the background and the DVD cases make a nice backdrop for the really great cookies!


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

JibJab Disco

The past couple of years my friend, Steve has created a birthday dance for me on Jib Jab

They are always so funny! 

I think Steve looks like a disco queen in that perfectly curled hair, don't you?  I remember my hair looking like that a few times.

Then there's me, in the psychedelic shirt and that far out afro!  I love it!

I didn't realize I had such dance moves.

But Steve and I must have been a hit at the local disco.

We had all the moves!

And then I had to take center stage - Look at Meeeeeee!!!

I can't believe that it's been 9 days since my birthday.  I really did sleep through that week!

I'm nearly feeling 100% and with that enthusiasm, I'm able to embarrass myself with these photos. 

Thanks Steve!!  Thanks JibJab

For a few days this link will be active - Click to view the Disco Birthday in its entirety.


POTD - Pine Cone

POTD - Pine Cone
©2011 Kristin Corlett

It's Fall in Florida.  Sometimes it is hard to tell when Fall has arrived as the trees hold on to their leaves until the middle of December.  The pine trees, however, produce their cones this time of year.  A perfect time to gather them for Thanksgiving and Christmas displays. 


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I have far

I know that I kind of left my last blog post talking about my teeth and saying that I was having a root canal on Monday. 

I had no idea that my days between that appointment and the one on Monday would consist of me becoming one with the couch, eyes closed, passed out cold, for days on end.  My nights I slept in bed, rarely moving until the pain meds wore off. 

When the pain came back it wasn't on soft kitty cat feet, it came roaring over me like a hurricane. 

Normally I can take pain pretty well, but mouth pain is an entirely different category.  I cannot tolerate it.  Now is probably a good time to mention, if you hadn't figured it out already, I'm not very functional on pain medication either. 

Thankfully Monday 8am finally arrived and I had my root canal.  My heart was beating out of my chest, but I was fairly calm after a few minutes and my mouth was numbed up.   My new-to-me dentist did a real nice job.  He didn't numb me too much and not too little.  It all wore off within an hour of being home.  My jaw still hurts, but he had a lot of work to do in there.  Tylenol is working just fine to keep my pretty pain free today.  I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a much better day.

Since I'm no longer sleeping the day away I expect I will rejoin the blogging world.  If I could have held onto a thought for more than a second, I wouldn't have taken the week off.  Then again my blog is about my life and last week my life was all about sleeping!

I will be fitted for two crowns next Monday.  The fun never ends!

Hope you had a great week!

POTD - Pile o' pens

POTD - Pile o' pens
©2011 Kristin Corlett

On Saturday I attended the Gift of Life Celebration.   Mostly transplant recipients attended this particular event, but there were a few kidney donors and donor families.  We had a lovely BBQ meal, listened to a few speakers and looked at the information tables full of literature, pens, car magnets and bumper stickers.  The green pens were just one of the many freebies available at the event.

Whenever you see a green band on someone's arm, it probably means organ and tissue donation, just like most pink bands are linked to breast cancer awareness. 

•♫♪..♪♫•It's not easy being green•♫♪..♪♫•


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dental news

Well, just as I suspected, I've got one expensive mouth.  It's all my husband's fault.  Well, not his direct fault, but when he started getting sick 7 years ago I took my stress out on my poor teeth for a few months by grinding them in my sleep.  I broke a tooth at that time and cracked a few fillings.  I went to a dentist and they fixed me up...

They actually did a pretty shotty job and left gaps between the filling and the tooth, I later found out, which has caused so many issues.  After Tom's transplant I needed to have extensive dental work, but I couldn't afford it all at the time, so I opted for just a filling for the tooth that needed it most.  The rest I'd deal with later.

It's now later.

I am now in need of a root canal and crown for the broken tooth that causing all the pain.  I also need two additional crowns and the removal and replacement of the fillings that were so poorly done years ago.  One or both of those may need a crown, depending on what is found once the fillings are removed.  My molars have extremely deep pits and they have been filled and filled and filled until some of them are half tooth and half filling.  This just creates problems.

The bill for the proposed treatment of all issues found today is $5,744.00

It boggles the mind. 

My husband's liver transplant was well over $300,000 so I know about medical bills, but it just seems like a little ol' tooth or two shouldn't cost more than a down payment on a cheap car.

Monday at 8am I'm going in my my root canal.  Wish me luck!

One of the good things about getting new xrays.  If anything should happen to me, I now have current dental records and that can help with identification if necessary.  (I watch far too many forensic shows)

I hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Home, birthday, dentist

I'm home!

I had a birthday!

I have a broken tooth.

I've been sleeping most of the past two days.

I'm getting my tooth looked at and hopefully fixed in the morning.

I'll be back good as new real soon!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

POTD - Mail art and gifts

POTD - Mail art and gifts
©2011 Kristin Corlett

It may be called Snail Mail these days, but it's pure JOY when it's unexpected art and gifts!  I have to admit that I did know that I was getting some bread bag tags and some mail art, but the extras were all unexpected and totally fun!  Another friend asked for my address the other day because she wanted to send something she got in Hawaii.  You can't see it very well in the photo but mixed in with the bread tags is a Pineapple Pete smashed penny!   Thanks so much Susi and Tara for the fabulous snail mail. 

I'm getting some ideas for Christmas cards...hmmm.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall in Michigan

Fall in Michigan.
Oh how I love thee.
Let me count the ways.

The start of the Michigan State University semester - the students are back, the student rental houses are full, the stores are busy, the place is buzzing with activity.

College Football.  Michigan loves it's College Football and I'm an MSU Spartan.  This year MSU is host to the MSU v UofM game.  Each year since 1953, the winner of the Michigan-Michigan State game receives the Paul Bunyan Trophy, a 4-foot wooden statue of the legendary lumberjack. Michigan State has had the trophy sitting in it's case for the past three years and I know we plan on keeping it this year, too.

(I wrote this days ago hoping to publish, but alas I didn't.  However, I'm happy to report that my Spartans did indeed win that game and keep the trophy!)

Fall means LEAVES!  Lots and lots of leaves of varying colors and sizes falling from the sky and rustling on the ground.

When leaves are on the ground you can hear things.  You can hear a squirrel digging for acorns, cats running through the grass or friends coming to the door.

Cool weather is almost guaranteed, but sometimes you get that amazing Indian Summer where the temperatures are way above average and the sun shines bright.  It's an incredible event because just when you thought your summer activities were over, you get a quick do over!  My MIL and FIL spent several days relaxing by the pool during this years Indian Summer which lasted nearly two weeks!  Unheard of.

Drinking apple cider and picking out pumpkins.

Allergies.  Yep, I'm allergic to Fall.  The dust of the leaves, the decay and the rain of Fall do a number on me.  It's really hard NOT to jump in the leaves!  I suffer every year and I keep coming back.  The beauty of it is intoxicating and I have to do it again.  (OK, so I don't love allergies, but it's expected in my version of fall)

My birthday.  Now my birthday will take place whether I'm in Michigan or not, but it's always nice to have a little birthday celebration when I'm in town.  This year the celebration was for the two year old, Scarlett, who was born just two days before my birthday.  It was fun being a part of her birthday this year.  I'm going to celebrate mine with a few folks in Jacksonville.  It seems I've met several folks who also share a Libra birthday with me. 

Hope you have enjoyed the things I love about Fall in Michigan. 
Have a great day!

POTD - BWL Smoke Stacks

POTD - BWL Smoke Stacks
©2011 Kristin Corlett

Industrial buildings, electrical towers, utility poles, street lights...all of these fascinate me.  I like the symmetry of them I think, but also the use and decay of these items.  The Board of Water and Light (BWL) power station and smoke stacks are an icon in Lansing and something I love to photograph each time I come to town.  A new plant is soon going to take the place of this one and Wynken, Blynken and Nod will be shut down.  I'm almost terrified, OK, so I'm being a bit dramatic here, but I'd hate to see these stacks torn down.  I have no idea of the future of the BWL smoke stacks, but they will always be a part of my memories of Lansing, MI.


(Used Pioneer Woman "Colorized"action on the photo)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

POTD - Pumpkin Tendrils

POTD - Pumpkin Tendrils
©2011 Kristin Corlett

My sister picked out a pumpkin from the Uncle John's pumpkin patch that had these lovely dried tendrils still attached.  It really is the little stuff that gets me so excited.  I guess it runs in the family because she picked this particular pumpkin because it had the little curls.  I wish I could stick around Michigan longer to actually witness the carving of the tendril pumpkin, but that's just not going to happen.  I go home on Monday. 


Friday, October 14, 2011

POTD - Fallen Tree

POTD - Fallen Tree
©2011 Kristin Corlett

I've been to this barn a few times already this trip, but this photo is from the other night when the sun was going down.  I was on my way to a friend's place to pick her up for dinner when I noticed how beautifully the surrounding landscape was looking in this gorgeous light.  I immediately thought of this barn and how it would probably look so lovely in the yellowing light.  I was almost late picking up my friend because I stayed much longer out here taking pictures than I intended.   To be honest, I'm not sure this is the best shot - it's really busy with all of the elements, but it's my favorite. 


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

POTD - Zoobie's

POTD - Zoobie's
©2011 Kristin Corlett

Zoobie's Tavern is no longer open in Old Town*, but the cool sign still remains.  I never saw the sign lit up at night, but I do hope that the ends of space ball on top lit up or blinked or something!   Do you see that clear blue sky?  It's an unusual sight in Lansing, that's for sure.  It was a bright sunny day and 80º in October.   What a fabulous day! 


*This particular Old Town is in Lansing, MI.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

POTD - Weed Seeds

POTD - Weed Seeds
©2011 Kristin Corlett

This late in the season, it's rare to find a dandelion puff ball in the yard, but my niece found one and brought it to me.  I immediately got my camera out and thought it might look really cool with the fall color backdrop right there for me.  I think I was right, it does look cool.  (If I do say so myself!)


Monday, October 10, 2011

POTD - Stella

POTD - Stella
©2011 Kristin Corlett

The middle one, the lovey one, the brown-eyed one.  This is Stella.  She had been sick for the past couple of days, so I waited to get her close up on a day when she felt better.  We were on our way to the farmer's market for their fall harvest event when I asked her to stop for me.   Stella smiles and laughs and giggles all the time, but it's hard to get her to smile for the camera.  Thanks honey for doing such a great job for your Tottie!


Sunday, October 09, 2011

POTD - Zora

POTD - Zora
©2011 Kristin Corlett

Zora would prefer to be left alone to play games on the computer, watch TV, draw, write and illustrate her stories...well, pretty much she wishes she didn't have sisters that mess with her stuff.  That's very important to a seven year old.  Zora took a moment out from playing a computer game to look at me.  Thanks Zora, I really like this one.


Saturday, October 08, 2011

POTD - Scarlett

POTD - Scarlett
©2011 Kristin Corlett

Scarlett peeking between the balusters of my Mom's stairway.  It's blurry but I don't care.  Scarlett runs so much that's about all you see of her anyway - just a blur.


Friday, October 07, 2011

POTD - Life Jackets

POTD - Life Jackets
©2011 Kristin Corlett

My niece, Zora, asked me a few days ago if I would take her to her swim lesson at the YMCA on Thursday.  How I could I refuse such a simple request?!  Of course, I'd take her, but on one condition...I was going to need her cooperation when it came to picture taking.  She agreed.

Thursday arrived and since we arrived early she got to play in the wading pool.  A couple of times she said, "Take a picture of me doing this, Totttie!"  So I did.  (I was a very happy Auntie to say the least.)  While she was getting some direction from her swim instructor, I wandered off to this delightful display of safety.  I fell in love immediately.  I do enjoy a nice row of similar objects, but I was loving the few life jackets that were of a different color.  That made me very happy.


Thursday, October 06, 2011

Friday Fragments

It's Friday Fragments Day!!
It's Friday Fragments Day!
It's Friday Fragments Day!
It's Friday Fragments Day!  
It's Friday Fragments Day!

Welcome to Friday Fragments!  This is the place where we're able to put little snippets of fun or interesting things together without having to stretch that idea into an entire blog post.

Mrs. 4444 is our lovely host and I am so grateful for her continued hosting of this fun carnival.  For more Friday Fragment finds, please head on over to Half-Past Kissin' Time.  Thanks!


I truly believe that what you think about, you bring about.  I thought I'd really test that by thinking about Indian Summer in Michigan during my vacation there.  I was seriously not prepared for a cold spell.  Wouldn't you know it, it's been in the mid seventies and sunny for the past four days.  GORGEOUS!  It's supposed to stay this incredibly wonderful for the next week, too!  Yee Haw!

My niece Zora said "I'm so excited that it's a free writing day in our journal because I prefer to write 'Realistic Fiction.' "  She's seven.  I don't think I've ever said the words realistic fiction in my life. 

I have eczema on my elbows.  It's been a problem all year.  They used to itch, but now that most of it has gone away I've pretty much forgotten about it.  I don't often see my own elbows, so it's easy not to think about.  My niece Stella (3), who my sister calls Stella Nightingale, has asked me about my elbows several times the past few days.  She points at them and looks very sad.  Today when she was in the bathroom washing her hands she handed me the Lubriderm Lotion and said "Here.  Put this on your elbows."  I guess I need to keep them lotioned up when I'm around her.

A girl I went to school with asked me if I'd like to see her while I was in Michigan.  You could have blown me over with a feather, as we really haven't spoken much since we were in Brownies together in elementary school.  I've been having some really great conversations with people who I didn't know very well in school but am meeting again as an adult, so I'm going to see her.  I am looking forward to our visit and am so very grateful that she asked to see me!

I'm having to fill up my weekend as my very dear friend Bob will not be joining me in Michigan as originally planned.  When she called to tell me that she was cancelling her trip I was stunned - stunned to silence.  I just didn't have a thing to say to her.  Bob, I love you, but all I wanted to say to you was all the things I thought we could do this weekend.  I even brought the Moroccan Argon oil and conditioner so you wouldn't have to pack it in your carry on.  We even put the soft sheets on the twin beds, not the sandpaper ones we had last year.   I know I won't change your mind, but you will be terribly missed.  I'm sure I'll think of something to say in a day or two.  Just give me a chance to not burst into tears, OK?!!

Speaking of trips.  My Mom booked her trip to Nairobi yesterday.  WHEW!  That's going to be one heck of a vacation.  It's hard to say that my mom is going with her boyfriend*, but that's what he is - so anyway, her boyfriend's daughter is going to school there for a semester (or more, I'm not sure) so they are going to go visit while she's there.  My Mom has always wanted to go to Africa, so this is truly her trip of a lifetime. 

*boyfriend just doesn't fit for anyone over the age of 25, in my opinion.

Have a wonderful weekend!  I know I will even though Bob won't be here with me.  I'm kissing my nieces every chance I can get and giving them words of advice that I'm sure they will remember for a moment or two.  Please stop by Mrs. 4444's place and see what the other Fraggers are doing today.


The photos are of a painted bronze sculpture by the artist J. Seward Johnson.  He donated the sculptures to Jacksonville Beach and now they reside in Latham Park, just steps away from the Atlantic Ocean.