Friday, August 26, 2011

POTD - Peanut Butter M&Ms

POTD - Peanut Butter M&Ms
©2011 Kristin Corlett

I have recently acquired this tiny little pottery bowl and on the way home this afternoon I had an inspired thought - I wanted to photograph it with peanut M&Ms piled inside.  The drug store had bags of candy on sale 2 for $6, so I got a bag of peanut and a bag of peanut butter M&Ms.   I thought Tom would enjoy having a whole bag for himself!  So I poured the candies into my little blue bowl, put some magnifying lenses on my camera and played with getting some cool close up shots.   In several of the shots I made sure that all of the M's were visible, but I see in this one, none are.   This isn't the closest shot that I got, but I liked this one best because you can really see the smallness of the bowl and all of the colors of the candies.

I think the peanut butter M&Ms have improved since the last time I had some.  These were fabulous!  I'm so happy I was inspired to buy some :)



Cyndy Bush said...

I love this picture, and now I'm craving PB M&M's! I love them.

Ann in the UP said...

Well, I love this picture, too---but when I saw it I thought, "Finally, M&M's are the size of bakery bismarcks. Hooray!"

Some insight into why I'm going to Weight Watchers. LOL

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It is an adorable shot! Last night I was so frustrated with Big Brother that I went and got out my stash of PB M&M's. I really like them a lot!

Claudya Martinez said...

I do see one m on the yellow one.