Sunday, February 20, 2011

She's here!

With just moments to spare, I got the guest bedroom all ready for my friend.  The room had turned into a catch all space and since I haven't had a spend-the-night guest in about two years the bed was surrounded with stuff.  

I didn't know it at the time, but I had given away all of the sheets for my queen bed.  I thought I had given away extra sets of sheets, but I guess I gave away one too many!  I had to ask one of my tenants if I could borrow a set of sheets.  I have two queen sized beds in each unit with 4 sets of sheets, so there was bound to be at least one extra set, I was hoping.  Thankfully my tenant Katie came through for me. 

After retrieving Bob from the airport we decided to get food.  I was taking a new route and immediately got myself on the wrong side of the tracks.  We did find a cool old sign, which will be the POTD in the morning, but we really needed to get ourselves to a different neighborhood.  I finally got myself on a road that I knew and found our way to the restaurant.  Whew!   I was really beginning to wonder.

From the restaurant we went to the car show.  Tom wanted food and he needed a break.  He also needed help taking down the booth so we stayed to help.  We did however go and play in some of the cars.  Here's Bob in a green car with a green kayak. Funny, I don't remember what kind of car that is...sheesh.  Is it a Mazda?   It might be. 

From the car show we went to Tom's office to help him unload, then we went to the grocery store and then back to my house where we watched a little TV and rested after a long day.

I'm actually kind of tired myself.

I hope that I will be able to blog each day while she's in town, but I won't hold my breath!  I'll be sure and take lots of pictures.  Tomorrow we are going to Fernandina Beach/Amelia Island just North of Jacksonville.  I have been there but have never gone to the historic downtown area, so this a perfect little adventure for us. 

Good Night and have a great week!


Mike Golch said...

enjoy the visit with your friend. we will be here when you return.

Ann in the UP said...

I had to laugh at you, making up the bed at the last minute. GG was wrapping his brother's Christmas present last weekend, after he called and said they were on the road and would be here in an hour.

His CHRISTMAS present! Oy vey! (He hasn't been Flywashed!)

Keetha Broyles said...

I'm glad Bob arrived safe and sound and I KNOW you two are getting into all kinds of fun trouble!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Have a wonderful visit.

LAC said...

That's one GREEN car!