- ▼ January (35)
- Picking paint colors
- Maggie, a plate and books
- The Pool House
- WFMW - personalized Sharpies
- Kristin & Steve 2009
- South Beach scenes
- 25 Random Things about Me
- The Cavalier
- South Beach
- Kristin and Steve
- Ward
- WFMW - Newspaper clipping
- Ingrid
- Turkey Salad
- Clean it up
- Changes
- Cafe Mattise
- Funny Photos
- WFMW - Donate Life
- More Secret Scrolls
- Corral the curling iron
- Digital Photography
- Me, Me, Me!
- Burger King
- Looking for photos
- Super Concentrated
- Bad Bad Orbitz
- An Affirmation
- I cleaned my room
- The look of stainless
- The Carriage Ride
- PDFs for MACs and Calendars.
- Life and death
- I'm a Finalist!
- Notepaper & Envelopes tutorial
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Picking paint colors
Have you ever had trouble picking paint colors?
What about trying to describe what colors you'd like to have?
I think of this particular scene each and every time I go into a paint store.
This is one of my all time favorite movies. I've probably seen it a dozen times. If it happens to be on TV, the world stops and I sit down and watch it. Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (1948) Cary Grant & Myrna Loy. The Money Pit was a remake (sort of) of this movie.
I went on a movie quest one long cold winter and watched as many Cary Grant movies as I could find. I had already been a fan but I felt I needed to see more. It made that particular winter in Coldwater, MI a lot easier to handle. I found that I really did like Cary Grant - Archibald Alexander Leach. There was another movie (comedy) where one of the main characters was named Archibald Leach. Can you name that movie?? I'll post the answer in the comments later today or tomorrow.
Watch this.. it's fun.
What about trying to describe what colors you'd like to have?
I think of this particular scene each and every time I go into a paint store.
This is one of my all time favorite movies. I've probably seen it a dozen times. If it happens to be on TV, the world stops and I sit down and watch it. Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (1948) Cary Grant & Myrna Loy. The Money Pit was a remake (sort of) of this movie.
I went on a movie quest one long cold winter and watched as many Cary Grant movies as I could find. I had already been a fan but I felt I needed to see more. It made that particular winter in Coldwater, MI a lot easier to handle. I found that I really did like Cary Grant - Archibald Alexander Leach. There was another movie (comedy) where one of the main characters was named Archibald Leach. Can you name that movie?? I'll post the answer in the comments later today or tomorrow.
Watch this.. it's fun.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Maggie, a plate and books

I love the plate!! Thanks Bob!!
I also look forward to reading these books, too. My friend is an English teacher and an avid reader, so I'm excited to read what she picked out for me.
Have any of you read any of these books? If so, let me know what you think!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Pool House

Several years ago, in a land far far away, there once was a pool shed that was drab and dingy. The little brown pool shed sat behind a little brown house in the woods with tons of strawberry plants, lots of weeds and just a couple of deer. While doing dishes in the never-been-updated kitchen with the bright blue laminate countertops, the focal point of the backyard was the pool and the little drab pool house.

Wouldn't you just love to sit on that porch, with all of that beautiful molding around the windows and the fancy scroll work framing each view. ...and look at the fancy molding in the ceiling area of the porch...so cool.

I also enjoyed having my sister come visit every day for a week or so. I lived about 30 miles away from her, so her visits were a lot of fun. My husband who is quite the sandwich maker, would make her these fabulous lunches as I recall. I know we used as much leftover paint from our projects around the house as possible and Alison also went bargain shopping at the Home Depot for Ooops Paint (paint that was the wrong color for a particular customer - and rather than toss it, they sell it for cheap - $1-$5 usually.) When she was all finished, I put on 4 or 5 coats of polyurethane to keep it from chipping and peeling.
I couldn't find any real close-ups of the pool house - so you can't really see that there is a boom box on one of the blankets and that the straw hat is just identical to the little straw hats that McKnight had in so many of his paintings.
I am fortunate to own two McKnights - they are Serigraphs, not actual paintings. One of those my husband bought for me in Chicago one year and we hauled it all the way back home on the train.
Anyway, having a painting in my backyard was great. I hated that I had to leave it behind when we sold that house. The new owners loved it though - and the wife, I remember, said that it was the deciding factor on buying the place. Thanks goodness something was a deciding factor because it sure wasn't that kitchen!
If you are interested in contacting my sister for some custom artwork, let me know!
Have a fabulous day!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
WFMW - personalized Sharpies

One of my very favorite things to write with is a Sharpie. I write cards with Sharpies, envelopes, packages, lists on Post-It notes, nearly everything that requires writing, I write it out with a Sharpie.
My love of Sharpies has caused me to purchase more Sharpies than I needed and consequently, I put on my list of 101 Things to do in 1001 days, that I was not to purchase any Sharpies for a whole year! It was so hard to do - I was surprised. My year was up the middle of January 2009 and I'm happy to report that I did not purchase a single Sharpie. I still have not purchased any because I got so many for Christmas!! I got clickable fat ones, and clickable thin lined ones (that I had never seen before!) and I got personalized ones.

What also works for me -- tell people what you want and chances are real good you will receive it. I blogged of my love for Sharpies and I received 4 packages of multicolored ones and then a dozen personalized ones on top of that from all sorts of people. I've decided to extend that no Sharpie purchases for another year because I've received so many.
Thanks everyone!! I've loved my gift more than you will ever know. I show off my personalized sharpies all the time and this weekend I was able to stop someone from taking my Sharpie when I pointed out that it had my name on it.
Hope you enjoyed this tip - it would make a fun Easter gift, wedding, baby shower or bridal shower gift. Now check out the other tips at Rocks in my Dryer.
Have a Great Day!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Kristin & Steve 2009

Here is the new photo of Steve and I - I'll just add it to our "Through The Years" photos - I cut out Kalao in the first one -- but allowed him to stay in this second one here.

That drink, by the way, really is that giant.

Hope you have enjoyed the trip, I know I did!
Monday, January 26, 2009
South Beach scenes

Here are the few photos I have of the architecture of South Beach, FL.
I love the colors, the bold stripes on the buildings, the shapes and sights and sounds.
I love all of the pink buildings. It is just so cool that a house or a hotel can be pink and no one really thinks it looks out of place. It just fits down there.

Tomorrow - Pictures of Steve and I.
25 Random Things about Me
25 Random Things About Me
25. I must read aloud when in an instant message chat with someone. When my husband is home, I do it very quietly.
24. I really enjoy writing letters.
23. I don't use my dishwasher because I love to wash dishes by hand.
22. In Kindergarten my teacher wrote on a progress report that I was always afraid no one liked me. I still think that way.
21. My online persona, Kirby... everyone likes her.
20. I don't like going to bed because I'm afraid I'll miss something, but I love napping.
19. I love going to hotels.
18. I have my sisters name tag from Macy's on my fridge.
17. I do not own a pair of flip flops.
16. I really like writing and think I could be a writer, but I don' t understand English grammar.
15. I don't like the sound of the ocean or running water (like a fountain.)
14. I love to quote movie lines. "The Jerk" is one of my all time favorite quotable movies.
13. I don't know my right from left unless I think of it in terms of driving and turning right or getting into the left-hand-turn lane.
12. I like to read True Crime books
11. I really dislike getting wet. This includes showers.
10. Buying clothes, shoes or purses are real low on my list of things to buy -- Office supplies are so much more fun!
9. I own three pair of shoes, two are tennis shoes.
8. Clowns freak me out.
7. I like to look for and collect bicentennial quarters because they remind me of my Grandpa Corlett.
6. My favorite dishes are the pottery bowls that I have collected from various art fairs, vacation spots, pottery guild sales or local shops.
5. I read billboards, signs and other assorted printed material in the wrong order. I also read things too quickly and add in my own words - for example thinking the Michigan Dyslexic Institute was the Mexican Dyslexic Institute.
4. Wearing a hat gives me a headache almost instantly.
3. I like to drink chocolate milk with three ice cubes.
2. I laugh every single day. Most of the time I do something goofy that makes me laugh.
1. I love to watch the same movie over and over again. I have a rotation of about 10 movies that I would rather watch than about anything else. They are of course, all romantic comedies. (I am watching Music & Lyrics while writing this)
I wrote this for FaceBook, but decided I should post it here, too. I tried not to put anything on this list that I had already posted in my blog -- so that means I couldn't write about my love of the number 22, the time 11:11 or that I loved Sharpies and Post-It notes. I actually wanted to fill up the whole post with things about my family -- so I will have to write up another post titled "25 Random Things that I Love about My Family."
25. I must read aloud when in an instant message chat with someone. When my husband is home, I do it very quietly.
24. I really enjoy writing letters.
23. I don't use my dishwasher because I love to wash dishes by hand.
22. In Kindergarten my teacher wrote on a progress report that I was always afraid no one liked me. I still think that way.
21. My online persona, Kirby... everyone likes her.
20. I don't like going to bed because I'm afraid I'll miss something, but I love napping.
19. I love going to hotels.
18. I have my sisters name tag from Macy's on my fridge.
17. I do not own a pair of flip flops.
16. I really like writing and think I could be a writer, but I don' t understand English grammar.
15. I don't like the sound of the ocean or running water (like a fountain.)
14. I love to quote movie lines. "The Jerk" is one of my all time favorite quotable movies.
13. I don't know my right from left unless I think of it in terms of driving and turning right or getting into the left-hand-turn lane.
12. I like to read True Crime books
11. I really dislike getting wet. This includes showers.
10. Buying clothes, shoes or purses are real low on my list of things to buy -- Office supplies are so much more fun!
9. I own three pair of shoes, two are tennis shoes.
8. Clowns freak me out.
7. I like to look for and collect bicentennial quarters because they remind me of my Grandpa Corlett.
6. My favorite dishes are the pottery bowls that I have collected from various art fairs, vacation spots, pottery guild sales or local shops.
5. I read billboards, signs and other assorted printed material in the wrong order. I also read things too quickly and add in my own words - for example thinking the Michigan Dyslexic Institute was the Mexican Dyslexic Institute.
4. Wearing a hat gives me a headache almost instantly.
3. I like to drink chocolate milk with three ice cubes.
2. I laugh every single day. Most of the time I do something goofy that makes me laugh.
1. I love to watch the same movie over and over again. I have a rotation of about 10 movies that I would rather watch than about anything else. They are of course, all romantic comedies. (I am watching Music & Lyrics while writing this)
I wrote this for FaceBook, but decided I should post it here, too. I tried not to put anything on this list that I had already posted in my blog -- so that means I couldn't write about my love of the number 22, the time 11:11 or that I loved Sharpies and Post-It notes. I actually wanted to fill up the whole post with things about my family -- so I will have to write up another post titled "25 Random Things that I Love about My Family."
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Cavalier

No pictures today - Turns out most of the pictures were on my friends cameras! I totally forgot about that - so tomorrow I'll have to see what I actually took.
The Cavalier Hotel in South Beach, FL was a lot of fun, although we had probably one of the most undesirable rooms. Our room faced the garbage and the delivery ramp for the hotel next door. (we decided to just keep the curtain shut.) I stayed up so late the two nights we were there, that I can't honestly say if the beds were comfortable or not...I just crashed. The neat thing about South Beach is that there are about a hundred restaurants - at least one per hotel - on Ocean Drive. We would walk and walk and walk trying to decide which of these incredible looking restaurants we were going to choose. We never picked a bad one. Our hotel was no different, the restaurant was great, the staff was awesome, and according to all of the people that I was there with - the drinks were good. We spent hours on the patio of the Cavalier. For the boys that I was hanging out with, Cocktail Hour was important and took up about 5 hours of the day! Two hours in the early afternoon and three hours in the evening. However, we laughed and talked and laughed and told stories and listened to stories and laughed some more.
I have never stayed in one of those old Art Deco hotels before, so this was a real treat. I loved walking up and down the road looking at all of the architecture, seeing the beautiful lights and enjoying the weather!! Goodness, it was so nice to be in warm weather. I'm glad I got the opportunity to go and spend time with Steve (and all of his friends -- Kalaho, Craig, James, Peter, Jet, Junior and Tim.)
Have a great week!
EDITED: I forgot to mention - the last meal that Steve and I had together...the bill was $22.22
Saturday, January 24, 2009
South Beach
I am in South Beach, FL -- wow what a place. Two years ago, the very first time I visited, it was cold and rainy. I was shivering. My friend Steve had just been on a week long cruise and was exhausted - so mostly what he wanted to do was sleep. We sat and chatted that trip and I did enjoy his company - but the timing was all off.
This time around, he's going on yet another cruise, but I'm seeing him before the trip. The weather is just gorgeous, we went to the beach today, and moments ago I sitting in front of the hotel with a bunch of his friends listening to their stories and laughing up a storm. We have just had a blast.
I will have some photos tomorrow!
This time around, he's going on yet another cruise, but I'm seeing him before the trip. The weather is just gorgeous, we went to the beach today, and moments ago I sitting in front of the hotel with a bunch of his friends listening to their stories and laughing up a storm. We have just had a blast.
I will have some photos tomorrow!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Kristin and Steve

Now that I have moved to Florida, it has been a bit more difficult to see each other while we are already on a scheduled trip. However, I've gone out to Santa Cruz several times to visit him and I've even taken Ingrid out there to meet him. I'd say we see each other about every two years, give or take a year. Two years ago Steve went on another cruise, out of Miami and I drove down after his cruise to see him. He was so worn out from all of his late night dancing that I'm thinking we'll have more fun together this time around when I see him before he parties for a week.
I'm leaving today and come back on Sunday. It should be a total riot.
I love you Steve! We're going on 26 years of friendship.
Thursday, January 22, 2009

The following week I loaded up my car and drove about 800 miles to meet up with JB and her sister in Norwood, MA. The event was a lot of fun actually. Ward arrived on time, he gave a little talk (I was in the front row smiling like crazy) and when it came time for questions and answers I had a question... He had broken one of his winning trophies and I asked if he had gotten it repaired - he told me no...that his wife has it propped up in the corner of a cabinet.

I was one of those annoying fans and I wanted to be close as possible to him, so I stood right by his side rather than standing back and putting out my hand. He later told JB, her sister and I not to spend too much time in the pubs. It was so funny.

This was such a fun impromptu roadtrip. I got to meet my favorite driver in a fairly small venue - there were just a hundred people there...that's hardly anyone in comparison to the crowds that come to the speedways. It was also a lot of fun to spend that day with my friends.
I have been mourning the loss of NASCAR in my life. Tom and I used to live in Daytona Beach - the home of speed. We used to live in a community where race car drivers lived. I was a little part of the NASCAR community and it was a lot of fun. Now that we have moved to Jacksonville, now that Ward is no longer driving, now that my life is different I haven't watched a single race from beginning to end in almost 2 years.
On NASCAR.com they have a countdown to Daytona. I'm not sure if that's the beginning of Speedweeks or not, but I love Daytona Beach during Speedweeks. It's electric. I hope to go to another race again, but it just isn't the same without being able to root for Ward.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
WFMW - Newspaper clipping

1. Newspaper clipping
2. Magazine
3. Post-It note
4. Tyvek mailer
Take the newspaper clipping and put it into the middle of a magazine that you think your recipient just might like to read. I found a fairly thin magazine here at my house about outdoor spaces. I live in a condo now, so I don't need this magazine anymore. Place a Post-It note on the page where you have placed the clipping. Make sure it sticks out over the top of the page, so it's easy to see. Place magazine, with the newspaper clipping into a tyvek mailer or any other flat mailer that won't get damaged if it gets a little damp from rain or snow. Address, stamp and send! Be sure to send this first class. You want to make sure it gets handled fairly gently...but the whole reason for putting the clipping in a magazine is that the magazine can be bent and rolled without doing any damage to the clipping. All those pages keep that paper nice and safe.
I know that they sell those photo mailers or you could put cardboard in an envelope, but I really think the magazine idea will work fabulously with very little additional cost if you don't have to purchase a new magazine.
Mom, the clipping will be on its way by the end of the week!
Have a great day!
Edited to add...Mailed! I mailed it this afternoon.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I have a friend named Ingrid that I met in 1983 when I went on a trip to Scandinavia. I went with the Blue Lake Fine Arts group - the Choral section. There were about 250 of us I think. We had a band, orchestra and the choir. The choir consisted of just 43 of us. The Band and the Orchestra traveled together I think, but the choir was all on its own. I loved it.
We left from Detroit, refueled in Bangor, Maine and then flew over to Stockholm, Sweden. We were to stay in 9 cities in 28 days. I remember most of those cities and most of the faces of the people we stayed with, but the one family that I fell in love with within seconds was Ingrid and her family.
I love her so much.
She is a few years younger than me and when we first met, she held my hand and for the next 5 days she hardly let go. She called me her sister after the first evening. We've been sisters ever since.
I have a rather large box that is just full of letters from Ingrid. They date back to 1983. We have always written letters. We tried email about 10 years ago and it was actually a bad thing. It just didn't work. It was too hurried, too impersonal, too something. We actually stopped writing or emailing for years after our first attempts at emailing. We just lost the groove.
She got married. She had a baby almost 5 years ago and she had another baby in October. They are almost exactly the same age as my nieces! She now lives in the Canary Islands. Her husband is German, she is Norwegian, neither one of them spoke the others native language. By the time I got my first letter after she was married, I could hardly read her English anymore. She and her husband had totally started making stuff up! lol Since I can't read or speak Norwegian, I only laughed a little lol
This Christmas Ingrid sent a card, with of course a wonderful letter and a picture of her and the babies. I had sent her one the morning before I received hers, so that was fun. But today I sat down and read some of her letters from the past. I was so excited to talk to her again through letters...so I wrote to her again today. I wrote and wrote and wrote. I included some photos of me and my nieces and I'll probably include some of the photos that she has sent me in the past, just to show her husband if nothing else.
I love writing letters and I'm very happy to have Ingrid's address again. Ingrid and I just can't do email. It isn't us. I don't have to be embarrassed about it either. I used to think there was something wrong with us that we couldn't keep a friendship through email - but now I realize that what we were missing was our physical connection. The pen and the paper and the stamps were all physical, personal items. Norway (or now, the Canary Islands) and the United States are just a fair amount apart. We need the physical to keep us close.
I'll share pictures of my trip and Ingrid in an upcoming post.
My question for you is... Do you have someone that you need to connect with and just can't seem to do it through email?
We left from Detroit, refueled in Bangor, Maine and then flew over to Stockholm, Sweden. We were to stay in 9 cities in 28 days. I remember most of those cities and most of the faces of the people we stayed with, but the one family that I fell in love with within seconds was Ingrid and her family.
I love her so much.
She is a few years younger than me and when we first met, she held my hand and for the next 5 days she hardly let go. She called me her sister after the first evening. We've been sisters ever since.
I have a rather large box that is just full of letters from Ingrid. They date back to 1983. We have always written letters. We tried email about 10 years ago and it was actually a bad thing. It just didn't work. It was too hurried, too impersonal, too something. We actually stopped writing or emailing for years after our first attempts at emailing. We just lost the groove.
She got married. She had a baby almost 5 years ago and she had another baby in October. They are almost exactly the same age as my nieces! She now lives in the Canary Islands. Her husband is German, she is Norwegian, neither one of them spoke the others native language. By the time I got my first letter after she was married, I could hardly read her English anymore. She and her husband had totally started making stuff up! lol Since I can't read or speak Norwegian, I only laughed a little lol
This Christmas Ingrid sent a card, with of course a wonderful letter and a picture of her and the babies. I had sent her one the morning before I received hers, so that was fun. But today I sat down and read some of her letters from the past. I was so excited to talk to her again through letters...so I wrote to her again today. I wrote and wrote and wrote. I included some photos of me and my nieces and I'll probably include some of the photos that she has sent me in the past, just to show her husband if nothing else.
I love writing letters and I'm very happy to have Ingrid's address again. Ingrid and I just can't do email. It isn't us. I don't have to be embarrassed about it either. I used to think there was something wrong with us that we couldn't keep a friendship through email - but now I realize that what we were missing was our physical connection. The pen and the paper and the stamps were all physical, personal items. Norway (or now, the Canary Islands) and the United States are just a fair amount apart. We need the physical to keep us close.
I'll share pictures of my trip and Ingrid in an upcoming post.
My question for you is... Do you have someone that you need to connect with and just can't seem to do it through email?
Monday, January 19, 2009
Turkey Salad

Then one day when I went home (to Michigan) I was going through "Foods For Living" a healthy foods type of grocery store, and I came across the prepackaged foods section. These were foods that were made and packaged right there inside the store. The turkey salad looked wonderful! Nice big chunks of turkey. Fresh looking celery. Dots of beautiful red and surrounded in mayo. I love mayo. (NBU people, just turn away from the Mayo comment, please.)

I now make the BEST turkey salad ever. In this bowl you will find turkey cubes (that I got from the freezer because we didn't have any fresh turkey or chicken today.) I should have drained the turkey a bit, since it was frozen, but it's still great.
OK, so turkey cubes (about 1½ cups of cubed turkey), 1 cup of chopped celery and ½ cup of chopped onion. I use vidalia onions when I can get them, but the sweetest onions possible would be best. We've used green onions before and I didn't like it as well.

Next you need to give this salad a little black pepper. Now if you are a family member reading this, I do actually hold the pepper grinder over this salad and give it a few turns. It absolutely needs it. White pepper doesn't even seem to do the trick. (I don't like pepper in any form, but my father taught the family to trick me with white pepper, so I couldn't see it to pick it out! - but now I even do it to myself) However, you have to have black pepper. Normally I don't salt this salad at all, but that's because I don't use salt much anymore, but my husband, would salt this.
I put in as little mayo as possible and stir and stir and stir until everything is coated. I used probably a ¼ cup. My husband would have used an entire cup. The turkey was a little wet (because of it being previously frozen) so my mayo went a long way this time.

I usually grab a huge handful of butter lettuce from the fridge, toss in a nice spoonful of the turkey salad and wash it all down with a nice glass of water.
One could almost imagine summer.
We buy a whole turkey or just a turkey brest and cook that for a meal - the leftovers get cubed and saved for turkey salad. When I make this using chicken, I usually buy a bunch of chicken breast, cook them all up and once again, whatever is left over from supper, gets made into heaven.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Clean it up

I woke up the next morning and let out an audible gasp when I walked into the bathroom. So I grabbed my camera, took a shot and spent the next 15 minutes cleaning the bathroom. I even went through the two drawers in the cabinet and overhauled those as well.

The little white basket thing on the back of the tank is a woven basket from IKEA. It perfectly holds a box of kleenex. I love it. I've never had a kleenex box holder before - I've just always had the marbled box sitting on the tank - but I love the basket.
I was surprised how little time it actually took to clean up the bathroom - it was just stuff sitting out, not anything gooey or anything - so I just put stuff back where it once belonged. It's been a week, and the counter looks exactly the same, although I bet it needs a dusting in the corners.
Hope you are having a great Sunday (or Monday or Tuesday or or or)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The world is full of changes. Every day something is different and yet I know most of us go kicking and screaming into each change, not wanting to give up the familiar.
We will have a new President in a few days, a friend of mine lost his grandmother, the bitter cold is making people change their weekend plans, the meat in the fridge didn't get cooked before it went bad. Children learn to tie their shoes, the handle on the toilet just broke and the car got a flat.
Unexpected change and gradual change. Sometimes relationships change, seemingly overnight, but it's usually a gradual change. Evolution. Would you really want to go back to your early twenties or your teens and have those same relationships?! Oh dear. I'm so glad that I am not tied to every sight, sound and thought of my true-love-of-the-day anymore. It was exhausting.
Gradually we all shift and move to accommodate new feelings, new ways of being, new ways of thinking. The change is so gradual that it is only upon looking back that we see how far we've come.
I'm still thinking about this New Year, 2009. Still thinking about what changes I want to make - what I want to force myself, kicking and screaming, into doing to improve my life, my health, my education, my creative spirit, my volunteer activities, everything. ...because although I want changes, I will resist.
Are you forcing a change?
We will have a new President in a few days, a friend of mine lost his grandmother, the bitter cold is making people change their weekend plans, the meat in the fridge didn't get cooked before it went bad. Children learn to tie their shoes, the handle on the toilet just broke and the car got a flat.
Unexpected change and gradual change. Sometimes relationships change, seemingly overnight, but it's usually a gradual change. Evolution. Would you really want to go back to your early twenties or your teens and have those same relationships?! Oh dear. I'm so glad that I am not tied to every sight, sound and thought of my true-love-of-the-day anymore. It was exhausting.
Gradually we all shift and move to accommodate new feelings, new ways of being, new ways of thinking. The change is so gradual that it is only upon looking back that we see how far we've come.
I'm still thinking about this New Year, 2009. Still thinking about what changes I want to make - what I want to force myself, kicking and screaming, into doing to improve my life, my health, my education, my creative spirit, my volunteer activities, everything. ...because although I want changes, I will resist.
Are you forcing a change?
Friday, January 16, 2009
Cafe Mattise

Pretend you are eating a nice Italian dinner (or lunch) at Cafe Mattise in the Bahamas. These lovely palms are over your head - the purple flowers of the
Bougainvillea tree. A soft breeze of warm air rustling the palm fronds.
Enjoy a nice summer day.

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Funny Photos
I was thinking about what I wanted to write this evening and nothing was coming to mind. I've just been running around town, going to my support group meeting, writing for another site, editing pictures, grocery shopping - you know, the usual. So I decided to just let my mind wander (and go through my photos) and see what caught my eye.

A few of my family members all of whom have a defect where their arm is attached to their heads. LOL I've never ever seen this condition in other families.
This is my grandfather. I'd like to know how he got that massive rock on the bottom of his feet! ...and how he managed to stand back up again without bonking his head LOL
and I will leave you today with a picture from 1969 or 1970. I was 3 or 4. I love the shag haircuts. LOVE IT!
I hope you enjoyed the lighthearted post for today. Have a fabulous day!

A few of my family members all of whom have a defect where their arm is attached to their heads. LOL I've never ever seen this condition in other families.

I hope you enjoyed the lighthearted post for today. Have a fabulous day!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
WFMW - Donate Life

Those of you who read my blog regularly probably know that my husband's life was saved because of a liver transplant. This was only made possible through the generous gift of life that a family gave after the passing of their loved one. It seems like a scary thing to talk about but it really isn't. Usually when you go in to get your drivers license renewed you can check that little box that says you'd like to be an organ donor. This is the typical way of doing things, but if your family doesn't know of your wishes, they may not want to agree to donation. Just because you have checked that box, it doesn't mean it is going to happen. You need to tell your family and friends that you want to give the gift of life after your death. Making your wishes known will make the decision so much easier on your family if they should ever have to make that decision. You can learn more about organ, eye and tissue donation at the Donate Life America website.

I have been an organ donor since the second I got my drivers license, but I have always wanted to be a donor. Little did I know then that my life would be so connected to the process. I can't even imagine how a small child would know about organ donation, but I did. Getting my drivers license, when I turned 16, was truly exciting, but I remember making sure to ask about the organ donation. It was going to be official now...I was an organ donor. It was there, at the licensing office, that I learned that the drivers license decal (that was what we had at the time) didn't guarantee donation. My family knew then and they know now. I just hope that when my time comes I will be able to give someone the gift of life or sight - this type of gift Works for Me!
Thanks for stopping by and please visit the Donate Life website to learn more.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
More Secret Scrolls

To become more aware of your thoughts, you can set the intention "I am the master of my thoughts." Say it often, give thanks for its being done, and as you hold to it emphatically, by the law of attraction you must become that.
You can create anything you want, but to do that you must follow the principles of the law. Eliminate all doubt and replace it with the full expectation that you will receive what you are asking for. If you are not receiving what you are asking for, it is not the law that has failed. It means that your doubt is greater than your faith.
Every single person is using The Secret (the law of attraction) in every moment of their life, whether they are aware of it or not. The law of attraction is impersonal and is unfailingly matching like energy frequencies. There is no time when this law is not operating, just like gravity. The difference is that when you understand this magnificent law and how it works, you can begin to use it intentionally to create the life of your dreams.
Do you think you can? You can achieve and do anything you want with this knowledge. In the past you may have underestimated how brilliant you are. Well, now you know you are the Supreme Mind and that you can draw anything you want from that One Supreme Mind. Any invention, any inspiration, any answer, anything. You can do anything you want. You are a genius beyond description. So start telling yourself that and become aware of who you really are.
Every word you speak has immense power, because it is a thought in action. There is an invincible power in every word you speak! You are a human being filled with unlimited possibilities, and the words you speak can either build a jail around you where you see only limitations, or they can set you free to live your life without any limits. Listen to the words that you speak and you will find every limitation you have ever experienced revealed to you. Change your words and you will change your life!
Have a great week!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Corral the curling iron

What are these strange contraptions, I bet you are saying... Well, let me tell you.
The items encased in plastic are my curling irons. I don't use them very often, so to keep them from getting dusty I put them in the plastic sleeves.
The main reason I wanted to use the sleeve was because of the brush style curling iron. It seemed like no matter where I put it, in my bathroom, something got stuck to it. It was a magnet for rubber bands, lint, thread, kitty fur and necklaces.
I purchased some fabric roller shades a few years back and they came in these nifty plastic sleeves. They plastic was really thick and one end had a zipper. I tried all day to figure out what to use those fancy zippered sleeves for, when it occurred to me! I'd cut the sleeve in half and store my curling irons in them. That was just the perfect solution.
The only drawback is that I can't place the irons in the sleeves until they are completely cooled. I could have used an oven mitt I supposed if I wanted to store then while they were still hot - but the great thing about the plastic is that I can see what's in there. I will forget that I have curling irons if I can't see them. If I had some lovely fabric covering up these irons, I'd have a whole basket of them because I'd buy more, thinking I didn't own any.

Please go visit Ann Kroeker for more Make Do Monday ideas. She's talking about her Crock Pot today.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Digital Photography

I've used my digital camera to help me remember my license plate number when I've needed to check into a hotel and I've used the camera to take pictures of my To Do list when I've needed to run many errands and didn't want to take the list with me. The last time I went to IKEA, the parking lot was so full that I took a picture of my section, so I wouldn't forget where I parked.
I have a Blackberry (with camera) now and I have that with me all the time but I also have my camera too - so I haven't been using the Blackberry for these uses yet, but I'm sure as I get more and more comfortable with the features of the phone, I will use it more and more.
I went to this website called Vagabondish and found some really clever tips for using your digital camera while Traveling. I have to admit that I use my Blackberry light as a light to get to my bed at night. That is just one of the 12 tips. Go ahead, take a look. They have some great ideas. I would have never thought of them.
Have a wonderful week!
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