Thursday, October 22, 2009


I'm the type of person that loves to think about doing fun things for other people, but I tend to talk myself out of it or just think about it too long until the event has passed and then the right time is gone. I have managed to get out a surprise or two in my day, but not nearly as many as I'd like.

Now the number of times that I've been surprised by the kindesses of friends and family and online friends has indeed been numerous.

This week was one of those weeks. It was my birthday on Sunday and since I was in Michigan with my family I just assumed that there would be no surprises. My husband sang to me (on my voice mail) and that was a total surprise, but he told me flat out "you're out of town, I didn't send you anything." Which incidentally is almost exactly what I told HIM last year when he was gone on his birthday! Monday was a busy day for me and I was out of the house in the morning, but when I came back there was a package on the table with my name on it. I was totally baffled as to who would send me a birthday gift. here. at my mother's house.

I looked at the return address finally and saw that it was a blogging friend, Ruth Ann at My Remodeled Nest. She sent me a gift! Actually, not a gift, a Package! My Mom said that she had contacted her a few weeks back when she realized I wouldn't be home on my birthday and asked for her address. I have no idea how Ruth Ann got my mother's email address, but I'm glad she did. My mom said that on Saturday she was really expecting the package and was all excited for it to show up and it didn't. On Monday though, the package arrived and it was almost more fun!

Here are all of the wonderful things that Ruth Ann put inside the package. (with the exception of a "K" note pad with this FABulous magnetic closure.   I was just looking at something like that a few days earlier and almost bought it! I got distracted by something and set down the notepad. Anyway, it's already in my purse :)

The "K" at the top of the photo is a little box, inside of which I was greeted with a purple peg doll painted by Ruth Ann, with a Nikon camera hanging around her neck.   There was a "K" book mark, that has a spot for a photo in it and two sets of note cards with "C" on it.   I love note cards.  LOVE THEM!  In the card she wrote that she couldn't decide which initial to choose, so she did both.  I have a hard time with that decision, too.  Usually the K's are sold out, so the decision is made for me. haha

Here is a close up of the peg doll - the purple peg doll - because purple is my favorite color. I don't wear much of it anymore, but I love it. Isn't she just the perfect shade of purple?   Can you see that on the strap of the camera it says Nikon?  Cool.  Very cool.

The rubberstamp, Ruth Ann said, reminded her of me. I think I say "What a Hoot!" at least three times a day, now that I think about it. I'm sure that I say it in comments on other people's blogs more often than I realize, too or say it on my blog quite a bit. Isn't that funny the things that we say that we have no idea is a part of our daily speech?

What a great surprise Ruth Ann!! Thanks so very much for the birthday presents, for thinking of me, for being such a good blogging friend (even without the gifts!) and for being the girl who thinks of a great way to surprise a friend and goes through with it!!! I loved it. All of it...the story of you contacting my mom, her waiting for the package to arrive, her keeping the secret, me being gone when the gift arrived, the contents, the card, everything.

Thank you Ruth Ann. Thank you so much. You made my day :)

AND -- because I have taken so many fall photos the past few days, I have to include a shot of the gorgeous yellow leaves and the dark brown trunks on a carpet of fallen leaves.

Have a Wonderful, Fabulous, Delightful Day!


Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Beautiful! Bloggers really are the best, you included!!! So sweet of Ruth Ann, I think she has you "pegged". Love it!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the photo, beautiful. What a wonderful box of goodies you got.
Happy Birthday Friend.

Ruth Ann said...

I'm sooo glad you liked everything! You are such a sweet, great person....I had to surprise you for your birthday! Oh and if you're wondering how I got a hold of your mom. She left me a comment on my blog about the time that gave me her name. Then I looked at your facebook and found her on your list...and I contacted her from there! A little internet detective work! lol Glad you liked everything! I bet your sad to go back home to Florida!? Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I have 2 comments - first, let me say that what ruth ann did was just spectacular and everything in your package was so fun. what a truly unique gift. second - that photo kristin is absolutely breathtaking. I think you should have that one made into note cards and marketed. you've taken a lot of great photos but this one just captured me entirely. so crisp and clear. LOVE IT.

nancygrayce said...

Happy Birthday and that last picture is a framer!

denise said...

love this story! can totally relate with the thinking of wonderful things and not following through, glad for you both that she did and thank you for blogging about the personal details and felt like i got a little surprise just reading about it!