Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Sampling

Saturday Sampling

It seems like the days are zooming past faster than I can catch them.  For example, how did it get to be the end of August already?  Seriously?  I think I just finally got used to writing the date as 2010 and it's going to be 2011 in a few short months.

Over at Mrs. 4444's place she has come up with Saturday Sampling where bloggers link up their favorite blog post of the week.  The one post that you'd hope that everyone who came to your blog would hope to read.

You can also link up a blog post that someone else wrote if you feel that it's insightful, funny, means something to you, etc.  Go on over and take a look.  I read every one of the Saturday Samplings last week and it was a great day of blog reading.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Beth Zimmerman said...

What a blessing and encourager you are to read those premium posts! Thank you! I'm trying really hard to sort of catch up on reading through my blog roll before I add anything else but that would be my first next list! :)

Ann in the UP said...

You're right, there's some great stuff over there. Funny stuff, and deep stuff, and some of everything.