Sunday, November 28, 2010

POTD - Lines

POTD - Lines
©2010 Kristin Corlett

This is one of my favorite times of year in Florida with the orangey deep shadows at sunset.  However, if you want a photograph, you have to act quickly.   I was standing by my car ready to run into the grocery store when I saw this shadow.  I debated whether or not to get my camera and walk across the parking lot.  By the time I finally got to the stairs I only got three shots before the sun had set behind the trees.  Thankfully, this first shot, was the good one!



Debby@Just Breathe said...

It's a good one for sure.

42N said...

Yes you do have to act quicky near sunset to get the photos - and up hee its c-c-cold. No snow yet. Nice line shot today.

Keetha Broyles said...

Those shadow stripes on the stairs are simply stunning! You have such a GREAT eye for details.

Oh, and about the no snow thing - - - 42N may not have any, but we've had about an inch for the better part of a week. Most of it melted today, but it won't be long before there's more to take its place!