Come in.
Let me get your coat.
You know the girls...Barbie, Skipper, Malibu Barbie
I'm so glad you could come today. It's going to be a lot of fun.
I've got a lot to get through...
So why don't you have a seat and let me show you what's in store for today.

First off I have to tell you that Pioneer Woman has some of the best (butter, cream, eggs, pioneer food) recipes in all the land. I had Thanksgiving at my house last year and made the turkey according to her directions (I brined it!) and I had the best turkey ever. So, go quickly to her website after the party and find a divine recipe to make this week.

So we've got the cake!
I see that there are party hats already made at the Barbie gathering. Would you like to make a party hat of your own?? Be sure and grab a set of "safety scissors" as the gal in the video suggests. lol
Cake - Check
Party Hat - Check
Just like Santa, I'll bring them all out of the bag.
OK, first up.
I have another Puzzle Ice cube tray and another set of three votive holders.

I have a set of 6 beautiful magnets that I have made just for the occasion. There will not be a picture available. You will just need to trust me - you'll love them. I've been making them for years and have never had a dissatisfied customer lol

and last but certainly not least.
My favorite author these past few years...Victoria Moran has a book "Younger by the Day." I have so many pages book marked that it looks like a text book! I would love for you to get that book, but it's up to you because the last gift is a $20 Amazon gift certificate! You can purchase any book you'd like - but be sure to check out Victoria's books while you are looking for your perfect gift.
This quote was mentioned on the Oprah show the other day. I loved it. It immediately made me think of all of the bloggers and readers and people who comment on all of these blogs. In this age of computers, you don't have to physically be in the same space to leave an impression.
We never touch people so lightly that we do not leave a trace.
-Peggy Tabor Millin
I hope that you will continue to come back and visit me and comment. I have really enjoyed my birthday week and it has turned out to be one of my most memorable birthdays! I'm so happy to have met so many new folks this week. I also think that all of the new people to my site won all of the prizes, too!!
la la laaaaaa
Do you have your singing voice ready?

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Kristin
Happy Birthday to you.
Thanks everyone for coming by this week!! Be sure to leave a comment today. Any kind of comment at all to be entered into the Birthday Giveaway Extravaganza! The entry deadline is 9pm Pacific time on Saturday, October 18th.
I can't wait to see who wins!!
Have a fabulous weekend!!
UPDATE!! We have a winner!! Random.org picked number 10 as the winner - and since I didn't count myself (who commented twice) or the second post from my Aunt Marg, the 10th post was written by my internet friend Tru. I told her to come over and post a message. Good thing she did, huh?
Thanks to everyone for participating. I've had a BLAST!!
You sure know how to throw a party! Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!
Great party!! Happy Birthday to you:)
Not sure I am allowed to win twice, but just in case ;)
These are some great items and I was just looking at the 09 calendars yesterday! :)
Happy Bday again! :)
Yes, yes you may enter (and possibly win twice!) Congrats Trina on yesterdays big win!
This the Henry Crew's Birthday Song!!!
sung to the tune of The Merry Widow Waltz...
Happy birthday, happy birthday
we love you.
Happy birthday and may all your
dreams come true.
When you blow out the candles
one light stays aglow,
that's the lovelight in your eyes
where're you go.
Happy Birthday Kris, we love you
Marg, Matthew, Alan, Colin, Garrett and Keith
Thanks for the wishes - Love the song Marg!!
Wow, great party! A very happy birthday to you! And I love that quote, because you're right: it seems especially applicable to us bloggers :)
wow, what a party-too bad I missed most of it by working :( But I am here now to wish you a happy day, hope you had a great week too. Glad to have visited your blog!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
Kres, Here's the story behind our Family Bday Song!
We heard this for the first time years ago, when the boys were small, at the Indianapolis Children's Museum (ask Zora about that venue:), sung by Tom Chapin, brother of Harry.
We've sung it every bday we could, right before the "traditional" bday song.
The boys are now totally embarrassed by us singing this:)
But we sing it anyway. Garrett's bday always falls over the deCycles trip, so I miss that. But last year, I picked them up in the return van in Vermont, and the last day happened to be his bday. So, I sang this song to him in the church they slept, in front of many deCyclers, and yes, embarassed the hell out of him!
But you know what??? Someday,they will sing this song to their own children, with the same love and enjoyment we have!
So, dear, I send it to you...
You always know how to have fun! I hope your Birthday was terrific! HUGS!
Kirby -
Happy Birthday, I wish you all the best. Can't wait to start another session of NBU with you as one of our fearless leaders. Who knows maybe I will be able to finish the challenge I have been writing for you for the last 8 weeks or so.
Happy Birthday to You! Fun to share the birthday week, thanks for reading my posts too. I'm feeling lucky & think I'll win your giveaway. Thanks for hosting it.
Woo Hoo, Happy Bday Kirbs. This is the best way to celebrate a birthday. Great idea. But I will have to wait 11 more months before I can borrow the idea. rofl. Have a GREAT day !!
What a fun week! Happy happy birthday! Hope you are enjoying.
Happy Birthday! I hope your week was SUPER SPECIAL and wonderful!
Yeah Yeah!! Happy Birthday!!! :)
In Guam after the regular birthday song dies down the little ones pitch in and say...to the tune of Happy Birthday to You...
May the Dear Lord Bless You...Achoo
May the Dear Lord Bless you...Achoo
May the Dear Lord Bless Kristen...
Happy Birthday to you....
It was lots-o-fun!
Woo Hoo, thanks Random.org for picking me the winner of all the neat Kirby Birthday Gifts. Thanks Kirby. I LOVE IKEA. rofl.
Hope you are recovering from the never ending birthday week. I wonder if you will still celebrate your birthday for a week when you get into your 60s. I am an old fluff (over 55) and still have a blast on my bdays.
Thanks so much Kirby. Biggest Huggles. Woo Hoo
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