My fabulous tip this day after tax day (in the United States) is a handy dandy little pill container. This container not only holds my vitamins and my allergy tablet, but it also does a whole lot more! It keeps me on the right day. It helps me remember that I have taken my allergy tablet and I don't double dose myself. I don't know if I have actually double dosed on the allergy meds, but I have NOT taken one because I couldn't remember if I had already. This makes for a terrible evening when the residual medication from the past weeks has worn off. I usually just suffer through the allergy attack so I don't mess with my schedule of taking my vitamins and other assorted good-for-my-body pills in the morning around 9am.
Here is the picture of the pill container that I purchased about a month ago. I chose yellow. Nothing in my bathroom is yellow, so I wanted it to stand out in the crowd - make me aware of the daily habit I was forming -- Take your pills each morning. Take your pills each morning - well you get it. :)
I have also found that taking a multi-vitamin each day (for the past two years) I have physically felt a lot better than I ever had before. (That is an additional tip - take a multi-vitamin each day) Here is the pill box open - I have a rather large multi-vitamin and a rather large omega-3 fish oil capsule and they fit quite nicely. This is probably a medium sized pill container. They had smaller ones, but I was afraid those fish oil capsules wouldn't fit. I got these at my local grocery store in the vitamin area of the store. $2-$5 depending on your style.
The side benefit of the Days of the Week on the pill box is that I am aware of what day it is! I know that sounds funny, but days can sort of string along without me really knowing if it's Sunday or Monday. Thursday is Survivor day, so I rarely miss that one LOL But seeing the day of the week first thing in the morning sort of cements that in my head for the day. Like I said - that's a side benefit.
Hope you enjoyed my Tip of the Week. I have really been enjoying reading the tips you all send in. Have A Great Day!
I completely understand the whole "days running together" thing. I keep up with the weekdays vicariously through my daughter and school and softball schedules!
Thanks for such a good tip!
I have these boxes too, in red.
They work great for the kids.
Because i need more meds at different times of the day I have a container for weekdays and mornings, afternoons and evenings.
Just perfect.
You can find out what works for me ::here::
Have a wonderful day!
I keep thinking I need to get one of these. I used to think they were only for *cough* old *cough* people, but since having kids I don't think that anymore LOL!
Good reminder and great post.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your terrific comment. Using frozen "tea cubes" - I never made the connection. Love it! :)
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